Be-, bi-, big-

Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - be-, bi-, big-

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

and bí- are often used as prefixes.

be-, bi-, big-
I. when prefixed to verbs, be- and bi- either give an intensive signification to a transitive verb, or change an intransitive into a transitive verb, as,-Sprengan to sprinkle, be-sprengan to be-sprinkle; lecgan ponere, be-lecgan im-ponere; settan to set, put, be-settan to be-set, surround; fón to seize, be-fón to surround; gangan to go, be-gangan to exercise; reótan plorare, be-reótan de-plorare. 2. they have a privative sense, as;-Be-niman to deprive, be-reáfian to bereave, be-heáfdian to behead. 3. sometimes they do not indicate any perceptible variation in the sense, as,-Be-cuman to come, be-sencan to sink. 4. be-, bi-, big- have the same effect when prefixed to substantives, adjectives, and adverbs. II. the accented bí- and big-, as prefixes, generally have the original sense of the preposition by, as,-Bí-cwide, big-cwide a by-saying, proverb; bí-spell, big-spell a by-story, parable; bí-wǽrlan to pass-by; big-standan to stand-by. vide 1. 2. big,big-