
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - be-fæstan

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Dele passage under I, and add: I. to fix, (1) to place in security:--Hié befæston hira wíf and hira scipu and hira feoh on Eást-Englum, Chr. 894; P. 88, 4. Þá Deniscan hæfdon hira wíf befæst innan Eást-Engle, 896; P. 89, 22. Bið se þridda dǽl in þæs wylmes grund líge befæsted, árleásra sceolu in gléda gripe, El. 1300. (1 a) of burial. II. (2):--Líchaman on eorðan befæstan, Hml. S. 23 b, 781, 786. (2) to fix in the mind, implant:--Ðæt ðú ðone wísdóm ðe ðé God sealde ðǽr, ðǽr ðú hiene befæstan mæge, befæste, Past. 5, 4. Eallum óþrum mannum þú mihtest þín unriht befæstan, Bl. H. 175, 28. (3) to fix by promise or agreement, to pledge:--Hé wrát his handgewrit þám deófle and him mannrǽdene befæste, Hml. Th. i. 448, 15. Bifæsted him wíf desponsata sibi uxor, Lk. R. 2, 5. II. to commit:--Ic befæste committo, Wrt. Voc. ii. 22, 6. Tó befæstenne committenda, 23, 76. (1) to commit to a person's charge:--Hym ic mé befæste, Shrn. 189, 33. An þíne handa ic befæste (commendo) míne sáwle, Ps. Th. 30, 5. Þás sceáp þú mé befæsttest, Bl. H. 191, 25. Þæt hé befæste þæt pund, þe him God befæste, sumum óðrum men, Ǽlfc. Gr. 2, 2, 26. Ðæt hié tó sláwlíce ðára ne giémen ðe him befæste sién ut a commissorum custodia minime torpescant, Past. 191, 24. (1 a) where purpose of committing is given:--Hé befæste þá burg Æþeréde tó haldonne, Chr. 886; P. 80, 13. Manega befæstan heora cild tó láre þám sóðfæstan bydele, Hml. S. 22, 64. Gif hwylc wile his lytlingas hiom tó láre befæstan, Ll. Th. ii. 414, 9. (2) to commit to a place:--Befæste tradidit (orci faucibus), An. Ox. 839. Ꝥ man mid sealmsange ꝥ líc eorðan befæste ut cum psalmorum cantu corpus terrae committatur, Ll.Th. ii. 184, 7. Hí woldón þǽre byrgene hine befæstan (tradere), Gr. D. 154, 23. (3) to set, betake to an occupation:--His dohtor befæste se fæder tó láre, ꝥ heó on woruldwýsdóme wǽre getogen, Hml. S. 2, 19. III. to commend, recommend, (1) implying appeal:--Sum man wæs hine sylfne befæstende tó his gebedum quidam se eius orationibus commendans, Gr. D. 203, 4. (2) to make acceptable:--Se ofermete ne befæsð ús nǽfre Gode esca nos non commendat Deo, Past. 317, 19. Befæste hé mid his lífes bisenum ðá láre ðǽm ðe his wordum ne geliéfen quod a non quaerente suscipitur, vita commendet, 25, 1. IV. to trust:--Befæstyd creditus, Ps. Spl. C. 77, 11. Befæst credatur, An. Ox. 1711. v. bi-fæstan in Dict. be-fæstan