
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - be-feolan

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

l. be-feólan, dele first passage, and add: p. -fealh, -feall, -feal, pl. ful(g)on. I. trans. (1) to bury:--Mon sceal morðor under eorðan befeólan þe hit forhelan þenceþ, Gn. Ex. 115. [Cf. O. Sax. Sia thena líkhamon befulhun an themo felise.] (2) to bear, be pleased with:--Ne eaþmódnesse iuc ná leng befeólan nellaþ nec iugum humilitatis diutius sustinere contenti sunt (contendunt, ), R. Ben. 135, 8. Sé þe woruldlicra manna sprǽce gelómlíce wilnað, þonne ne mæg hé þá engellican sprǽce befeólan, Guth. 52, 23. II. intrans. (1) to apply oneself earnestly to something (dat.):--Hé mid geornfullnysse befealh his gebedum annisu precibus incubuit, Gr. D. 74, 18: 125, 27. Befeall, Guth. 86, 20. Befeal, 26, 21: 42, 12: 46, 20. Ðára ðe spéda hæbben ðæt hié ðǽm (learning) befeólan mægen, Past. 7, 11. Ne mæg ic ðǽre stíðnysse befeólan þe þú mé tó tíhst, Hml. Th. ii. 374, 15. (2) to be urgent with a person (dat.), to press:--Hé mid gemálicum bénum befealh þám hálgan were ꝥ him wǽre álýfed út tó farenne importunis precibus ut relaxaretur imminebat, Gr. D. 156, 1. Se kyng befealh georne hire bréðer oð ꝥ hé cwæð iá wið, Chr. 1067; P. 201, 21. (2 a) reflexive, to persist, persevere with something:--Hí þone Godes wer gesáwon him befeólan mid þǽre cyllfyllinge virum Dei ad implendum utrem sibi invertere videbant, Gr. D. 250, 27. (3) with prep. to persist in, continue:--Ꝥ þæs Hǽlendes líc him wurde forstolen, mid ðám þe hí befúlon fæste on slǽpe while they continued fast asleep, Hml. A. 79, 159. [O. Frs. bi-fella: O. Sax. bi-felhan: O. H. Ger. pi-fel(a)han.] v. be-felgan, bi-felgan, -feolan in Dict. be-feolan

Verwandte Wörter: l.
