Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - be-gang
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- be-gang
- Add: n. (l) exercise, labour, business:--On bigonge mínum in exercilatione mea, Ps. Spl. C. 54, 2. Mið micle bigeong magno studio, Mt. p. 10, 13. Bigongum exercitiis, i. laboribus, studiis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 144, 61: 29, 58. Hé hine onwende from ealre þisse worlde begangum, Bl. H. 113, 30, (2) cultivation:--Fram ǽlce bi-gonge (cultura) þis land ligeð tólýsed, Gr. D. 258, 18. (3) religious practice:--Ðǽre godcundnesse begang (bigong, ) diuinitatis cultus, Bd. 2, 13; Sch. 164, 10. Bigeon[g] ðes cultus isle, UNCERTAIN Rtl. 24, 21. Hé hine nýdde tó deófolgylde begonge, Shrn. 76, 6. Tó úra goda bigange (begangum, v.l.) culturae deorum nostrorum, Bd. 2, 13; Sch. 164, 22. Þæt hí heora eald begang (culturam) forléton and þæt níwe beeódon, 5, 10; Sch. 602, 9. [O. H. Ger. pi-gang.] v. land-begang, bí-geng, and bi-gang in Dict. be-gang