
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - be-lúcan

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Add: I. to shut up in a place, enclose:--Ic mé on þisse gyrde belúce, Lch. i. 388, II. Hé wæs on hire innoðe belocen, sé ðe belícð ealne middangeard on his ánre handa, Hml. Th. i. 198, 3. Hieneðǽrinne ne belýcð (circumcludit) nán ege, Past. 220, 13. Ne þú ná beluce (conclasisti) mé on handum feóndes, Ps. Spl. 30, 10. Hé hine sylfne in þám scræfe beleác, Gr. D. 214, 18: Hml. S. 35, 36. Belúcað hine þæt hé licge þǽr ána, 37, 182. On his frið wunian belocun wiþ þám láþan, Lch. i. 390, 14. Ia. to secure, protect:--Ic hig wigge beleác manegum mǽgða, B. 1770. II. to shut up a place, to prevent entrance into a place, close:--Hé þone hálgan hám beleác, Bl. H. 9, 7. Hí heora baða belucon, Ap. Th. 6, 13: Ps. Spl. 16, II. Hostiarius sceal þá cyrcan þám ungeleáffullun belúcan, Ll. Th. ii. 346, 30. Belocenum fenge sinu concluso, Wrt. Voc. ii. 135, 3. His múþ and his næsþyrla beóþ belocene. Bl. H. 59, 14. III. to close a road, door, &c., prevent passage through:--Hé sylf him belícð þǽre forgifenysse weg mid his heardheortnysse, Hml. Th. i. 500, 19. Eua ús beleác heofenan ríces geat, . . . gif wé hit nú ús ne belúcað, ii. 22, 25-27. Hié belúcað hiera módes eáran ongeán láre, Past. 337, 22. Seó ástrehte nǽdre his weg beleác, Gr. D. 24, 23. Hig belucan þá duran intó heom. Chr. 1083; P. 215, 5. Belúc heora wegas mid þínun. sweorde, Ps. Th. 34, 3. Þæt mé þone ingang beluce, Hml. S. 23 b, 416. Belucen, 426. Þéh hié hiera clúsan him ongeán beluce Philippi ingressum Thermopylarum munitione repulerant, Ors. 3, 7; S. 114, 23. Seó duru biþ belocen þǽm synfullun mannum, Bl. H. 61, 10. Hié þá gatu him tó belocen hæfdon, Chr. 755; P. 48, 16. Mid þám þe þá burhgatu belocene wurdon cum porta clauderetur. Jos. 2, 5. Þá be-locenan wega gelǽta conpeta clausa, Wrt. Voc. ii. 19, 55. IIIa. to stop, impede:--On þám oreðe belocen, Hml. S. 23b, 235. IV. to shut out, exclude:--Belúc alleluia do not sing Alleluia (after Septua-gesima Sunday), Lch. iii. 226, 15. Ðe lǽs ðe hire lufu ðé belúce fram Críste, Hex. 48, 7. Hét se árleása hine útan belúcan, Hml. S. 31, 656. Tó bilúcanne costungo ad excludendas temptationes, Rtl. 118, 9. Maria wæs belocen (exclusa) bútan þære wícstówe, Num. 12, 15. Sind wé úte belocene fram ðám leóhte, Hml. Th. i. 154, 13. V. to confine within certain limits:--Se arc wæs mid ánre fæðme belocen ufewerd at the top the ark did not exceed a cubit, Angl. vii. 34, 356. V a. of speech, to put thought into few words, to express briefly:--Lucas beleác þis dægþerlíce godspel mid feáwum wordum, ac hit is mid menigfealdre mihte áfylled the gospel of this day is contained in few words, but is fitted with manifold power, Hml. Th. i. 90, 8. Críst gesette þis gebed, and beleác mid feawum wordum, 272, 15. VI. to contain, comprise, include:--Gehwylces weorces frig, bútan ðæs cericlican weorces ðe seó bóc belýcð (work, of which the charter contains notice, cf. 33, I), C. D. vi- 34. 33. Seó heofon belýcð on hyre bósme ealne middaneard, Lch. iii. 232, 17. Þás syx casus befóð and belúcað swá hwæt swá men embe sprecað, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 23, 14. Þás twá bebodu belúcað ealle béc (cf. Mt. 22, 40), Hml. Th. ii. 314, 9. ꝥ eall ꝥ andgit beó belocen on þǽre ánfealdan gerecednisse, Ælfc. Gen. Thw. 2, 31. Ealle úre neóda ðǽron (in the Lord's Prayer) sind belocene, i. 272, 17. VII. to close, conclude, stop, (I) trans. To bring to an end:--Se apostol beleác þisne pistol mid þisum wordum, Hml. Th. i. 606, 8: 616, 32. Hé geseah ꝥ ealle þás þingc belocene wǽron (all work and play were stopped), Ap. Th. 6, 17. (Ia) to complete a transaction, bargain:-- ꝥ hé beleác on hálre tungon conclusit et omnino confirmavit totum quod pater suus in vita sua fecerat, Cht. E. 212, 9. (2) intrans. To come to an end:--Ðæt godspel belícð þus, Hml. Th. ii. 574, 4. [N. E. D. belouke. O. Sax. bi-lúkan to shut up: O. Frs. bi-lúka: O. H. Ger. pi-lúhhan con-, ex-, in-, prae-, re-cludere.] be-lucan