Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - be-swícan
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- be-swícan
- Add: -- Beswícþ eludit, i. Decipit, Wrt. Voc. ii. 143, 16 : fellitat, i. decepit, 148, 29. Beswác lusit, 53, 61. I. to decoy, ensnare, beguile, (1) of fowling :-- Fugelere, hú beswícst þú fugelas? On feala wísan ic beswíce fugelas, Coll. M. 25, 9, 11. (a) of persons :-- Beswác inlexit (Aid. 182, 32), Wrt. Voc. ii. 94, 49. Eádric beswác Sigeferd and Morcær, Chr. 1015; P. 145, 31. Beswican pellexerunt, Wrt. Voc. ii. 84, 14. Ǽr hé Beorn beswice, Chr. 1050; P. 170, 8. Se beswícenda pellax, Wrt. Voc. ii. 88, 67. II. to betray :-- Hió hý mid fácne beswác tó deáðe, Ors. 2 ; S. 30, 31. Gezabel beswác Naboð tó his feóre þurh leáse gewitnysse, Hml. Th. i. 488, 5. þisne æþeling Cnut hæfde forsend on Ungerland tó beswícane, Chr. 1057 ; P. 188, 10. III. to defraud, supplant, injure by treachery :-- Rihte ys hé genemned Jacob, nú hé beswac (supplantavit) mé, Gen. 27, 36. Búton hí beswican nisi supplantaverint, Kent. Gl. 72. Ic nǽnigne man beswícan (laedere) ne mihte, Gr. D. 30, 23. Ósréd wæs beswicen and of ríce ádréfed, Chr. 790; P- 55. 23. IV. to circumvent, overcome by wiles :-- Beswác Hannibal twégen consulas and hié ofslóg Annibal utrumque consulem insidiis circumventos interfecit, Ors. 4, 10; S. 198, 19. Beswác refellit (astus), Wrt. Voc. ii. 94, 75. Beswícan circum-venire, 24, 68. ꝥ hié móston ð ára feónda searo beswícan and ofer-cuman, Bl. H. 201, 29. Hé wearð swíþor beswicen for Alexandres searewe þonne for his gefeohte non minus arte Alexandri siiperata quam virtute Macedonum, Ors. 3, 9; S. 124, 19. Ðá þá seó cwén þis gehýrde, hyre hláford and sunu bus beswikene, Chr. 1093; P. 228, 13. V. to seduce, mislead :-- Hí unwære men beswícaþ and ádweliaþ, Bl. H. 61, 24. æt eów nǽfre se deófol beswícan mote, Wlfst. 135, 9. Wǽron mid gítsunge beswicene ná þ án his find ac eác swilce his frínd, Ap. Th. 7, 12. VI. to fail a person, leave in the lurch :-- Se mennesca fultum him beswác, Guth. 76, 18. Hé cweð þet hé gesíclod wǽre, and swá þ folc beswác, ꝥ hé lǽdan sceolde, Chr. 1003; P. 135, 14. Wolde se ealdorman beswícon þone æþeling, 1015 ; P. 146, 14. Cnut gewende him út, and wearð þet earme folc þus beswican þurh hine, 1014; P. 145, 22. [N. E. D. be-swike. O. Sax. O. L. Ger. bi-swíkan : O. H. Ger. pi-swíhhan decipere, illaqueare, illicere, circumvenire, seducere.] be-swican