
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - be-tweoh

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

(i, y, u), -tuh.

Add: A. , with dat. I. between. (1) local, (a) of position within certain limits :-- Weall tó settonne betweoh (-tuh, ðám wítgan and ðǽre byrh, Past. 164, 10. (b) of extent between limits :-- Eall hira land betwuh (-tweoh, v. l. ) dícum and Wúsan, Chr. 905; P. 94, 2. Betuh þǽm clife ond ðǽm wætre wǽron swylce twelf míla, Bl. H. 211, 2. Wæs heora lár sáwen and strogden betuh feówer sceátum middangeardes, 133, 33. (2) temporal :-- Betweoh (-twyh, v. l.) þám þe hine man lácnode inter medendum, Bd. 4, 26; Sch. 509, 18. (3) of mutual relation :-- For ðǽre dǽde ðe hié dóð betwuh him, Past. 399, 27. (4) marking relation of abstract objects :-- Micel tósceád is betwuh ðǽre beðóhtan synne and ðǽre ðe mon fǽrlíce ðurhtiéhð, Past. 435, 5. Betweoh (-tuh, v. l. ) ðǽm twǽm, 118, 2. II. among :-- Betuih (-twihc, R. ) iúh. Mt. L. 20, 26. B. with acc. I. between :-- Sete weall betuh ðé and ðá burh. Past. 165, 8. 11, among, (1) local (lit. or fig.) :-- Stígan tó heofonum betweoh engla þreátas. Shrn. 50, 16. Betwyh, 118, 2. Betwih (-twyh, v. l.) þá óþer god inter cetera bona, Bd. 2, 5 ; Sch. 131, 20. Betweoh þá wiðfeohtend inter rebelles, Sch. 135, 11 : 4, 26; Sch. 507, 8. Betuh ealle wífcyn and betuh ealle hálie gástas, Bl. H. 143, 18. (2) temporal, in the course of: -- Swefen betwuh feówer dagas gewyrð, Lch. iii. 190, 1. Betwih þás þing quo tempore, Bd. 2, 18; Sch. 181, 23: 5, 13; Sch. 636, 4. be-tweoh

Verwandte Wörter: l. )
