Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - be-wrecan
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- be-wrecan
- p. -wræc, pl. -wrǽcon; pp. -wrecen. I. to exile, send forth; pellere, propellere :-- Ðú úsic bewrǽce in ǽhtgewealda thou hast exiled us into bondage, Exon. 53 a; Th. 186, 25; Az. 25. Ða us bewrǽcon they have sent us forth, Cd. 189; Th. 235, 12; Dan. 305. II. to strike or beat around, afflict; circum pulsare :-- We land gesóhton wære bewrecene we sought the land beaten round [afflicted] with the sea, Andr. Kmbl. 537; An. 269. III. to drive or bring to; appellere :-- Ceólas léton sande bewrecene they let the keels [ships] be driven to the sand [shore], Elen. Kmbl. 502; El. 251. DER. wrecan. be-wrecan