
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - bealo

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

bealu, balu;

gen. bealowes, bealwes, bealuwes, baluwes; dat. bealuwe, bealwe, baluwe, bealo; acc. bealu, balu, bealo; instr. bealwe, bealuwe; pl. gen. bealwa, bealuwa, baluwa; dat. instr. balawum; balawun; n. I. BALE, woe, harm, evil, mischief; malum, calamitas, pernicies, damnum, noxa, tribulatio :-- Hæfdon bealo they had woe, Cd. 214; Th. 269, 10; Sat. 71. Bealowes gást spirit of evil [diabolus], Cd. 228; Th. 307, 19; Sat. 682. Oft heó to bealwe bearn afédeþ often she nourisheth her child to woe, Salm. Kmbl. 745; Sal. 372. Him to bealwe to their own harm, Exon. 24 a ; Th. 68, 19 ; Cri. 1106. Bealwe gebǽded by calamity compelled, Beo. Th. 5644; B. 2826. Ne ondrǽde ic ðínra wíta bealo I dread not the evil of thy torments, Exon. 68 b ; Th. 255, 9; Jul. 211. II. wickedness, depravity; malities, nequitia :-- Me wið blódhreówes weres bealuwe gehǽle preserve me against the wickedness of the blood-thirsty man, Ps. Th. 58, 2. [O. Sax. balu : O. Frs. balu : O. H. Ger. balo : Goth. balweins punishment, pain : O. Nrs. böl : Slav. ból pain.] DER. aldor-bealo [-bealu], ealdor-, feorh-, firen-, folc-, helle-, hreðer-, leód-, mán-, morþ-, morþor-, niht-, sweord-, þeód-, un-, wíg-. bealo