Bebban burh

Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - bebban burh

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Chr. 547; Th. 28, 25; 29, 24 : 641; Th. 49, 3 : 993; Th. 240, 17; 241, 16, col. 2 : Bæbba-burh, Chr. 1093; Th. 360, 6 : Bebba-burh, Chr. 1095 ; Th. 361, 39, 40 :

Bebban burh
gen. -burge ; dat. -byrig ; acc. -burg, -burh; f. BAMBOROUGH, in Northumberland: Babbæ oppidum in provincia Northanhymbrorum :-- Hér Ida féng to ríce, ðonon Norþanhymbra cyne-cyn onwóc, and ríxode twelf geár. He timbrode Bebban burh, seó wæs ǽrost mid hegge betýned, and ðǽr æfter mid wealle here [A. D. 547] Ida began to reign, from whom arose the royal race of the Northumbrians, and reigned twelve years. He built Bamborough, which was at first inclosed by a hedge, and afterwards by a wall, Chr. 547; Erl. 16, 7-10. From Bebban byrig from Bamborough, Chr. 926; Th. 199, 31. Ðá becom Penda, Myrcna cyning, to ðære cynelícan byrig, seó is nemned Bebban burh then came Penda, king of the Mercians, to the royal city, which is named Bamborough, Bd, 3, 16; S. 542, 18 : 3, 6; S. 528, 28. Hér wæs Bæbban burg tobrocon, and mycel herehúðe ðǽr genumen here [A. D. 993] Bamborough was destroyed, and much spoil was there taken, Chr. 993; Erl. 133, 1. [Bebba, æ ; f. Lat : Bebbe, an; f. Bebba, the name of a queen : burh a borough, corporate town; hence Bebban burh Bebba's burgh or city; Bebbæ urbs. Bede calls it, - 'Urbs regia, quæ a Regina quondam vocabulo Bebba cognominatur,' Bd, 3, 6; S. 109, 22. We thus see that the town had its name from queen Bebba. It is probable that king Ida, who built the town, did not give it this name; but his grandson, Ædilfrid, as Nennius says, - 'Eadfered [ = Ædilfrid] dedit uxori suæ [urbem], quæ vocatur Bebbab, et de nomine suæ uxoris suscepit nomen, id est Bebbanburch,' Nenn. 63, ed. Stevens; Bd. Gidl. 187, note 1. Bebban burh was written in succeeding ages, - Bebbanburc, Flor. A. D. 1117 : Bebanburgh, Bebamburgh, Babanburch, Hunt. A. D. 1148 : Babbanburch, Bebbanburc, Dun. A. D. 1164 : Babanburch, Ric. A. D. 1184 : Bebbamburg, Hovd. A. D. 1204 : Bamburgh, Kni. A. D. 1395 : now, in 1873, Bamborough.] bebban burh