
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - beda

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:


m. Venerable Bede, born at Monkton by Jarrow, near the -mouth of the Tyne, in A. D. 674. He wrote his Historia Ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum about A. D. 731, and died May 26, at the age of 61, in 735. - He gives the following account of himself, according to king Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version, made about 890 :-- Ic Beda, Cristes þeów, and Mæsse-Preóst ðæs Mynstres ðare eádigra Apostola Petrus and Paulus, ðæt is æt Wira-múþan [Wearmouth] and on Gyrwum [Jarrow], wæs acenned on sundor-lande ðæs ylcan Mynstres. - Mid ðý ic wæs seofon wintre, ðá wæs ic mid gýmenne mínra maga scald to fédanne and to lǽranne ðam árwurþan Abbude Benedicte, and Ceolfriþe æfter ðon and syððan ealle tíd mínes lífes on ðæs ylcan Mynstres eardunge, ic wæs dónde, and ealle geornnesse ic sealde to leornianne and to smeágianne hálige gewríto and betwyh gehald regollíces þeódscipes and ða dæghwám-lícan gýmenne to singanne on cyricean me symble swéte and wynsum wæs ðæt ic oððe [leornode oððe] lǽrde oððe wríte. - And ðá ðý nigonteoðan geáre mínes lífes ðæt ic Deáconháde onféng; and ðý þrittigoðan geáre Mæsse-Preóst-háde. And ǽghwæðerne þurh þénunge ðæs árwurþan biscopes Johannes þurh hǽse and bebod Ceolferþes ðæs Abbudes. - Of -ðære tíde ðæs ðe ic Mæssepreóstháde onféng óþ nigon and fíftig wintra mínre yldo, ic ðás béc for mínre nýdþearfe and mínra freónda of geweorcum árwurþra Fædera wrát and sette ge eác swylce to mǽgwlite andgytes and gástlícra gerecenessa ic to ætýcte [Ego] Bæda, famulus Christi, et Presbyter Monasterii beatorum Apostolorum Petri et Pauli, quod est ad Viuræmuda et Ingyruum, natus sum in territorio ejusdem Monasterii. -- Cum essem annorum septem [A. D. 674 + 7 = 681] cura propinquorum datus sum educandus reverentissimo Abbati Benedicto, ac deinde Ceolfrido cunctumque ex eo tempus vitæ in ejusdem Monasterii habitatione peragens, omnem meditandis Scripturis operam dedi atque inter observantiam disciplinæ regularis et quotidianam cantandi in ecclesia curam semper aut discere aut docere aut scribere dulce habui. - Nonodecimo autem vitæ meæ anno [A. D. 674 + 19 = 693] Diaconatum, tricesimo gradum Presbyteratus [A. D. 674 + 30 = 704]. Utrumque per ministerium reverentissimi Episcopi Johannis jubente Ceolfrido Abbate suscepi. - Ex quo tempore accepti Presbyteratus usque ad annum ætatis meæ quinquagesimum no num [A. D. 674 + 59 = 733], hæc in Scripturam sanctam meæ meorumque necessitate ex opusculis venerabilium Patrum breviter adnotare sive etiam ad formam sensus et interpretationis eorum superadjicere curavi, Bd. 5, 23; S. 647, 18-35. Hér forþférde Beda here, A. D. 735 [MS- 734], Bede died, Chr. 734; Th. 77, 20, col. 1, 2, 3. Anno 735, Bæda Presbyter obiit, Bd. S. 224, 5. Sanctes Bedan bán restaþ on Gyrwa-wíc saint Bede's bones rest in Jarrow, L. Ælf. C. 6; Th. ii. 344, note 4, 3. beda