
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - beó-breád

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

bió-breád, bí-breád, es;

n. I. BEE-BREAD, the pollen of flowers collected by bees and mixed with honey for the food of the larvæ; apum panis. Quite distinct from weax beeswax; cera = κηρόs : and hunig-camb honey-comb; favus :-- Ic eom swétra ðonne ðú beóbreád blénde mid hunige I am sweeter than if thou blendedst bee-bread with honey, Exon. 111 a; Th. 425, 20; Rä. 41, 59. Hí synt swétran ðonne hunig oððe beóbreád they are sweeter than honey or bee-bread, Ps. Th. 18, 9. Þynceþ bíbreád swétre; gif he ǽr bitres onbyrgeþ bee-bread seems sweeter, if he before has had a taste of bitter, Bt. Met. Fox 12,17; Met. 12, 9. Hit is hunige micle and beóbreáde betere and swétre it is better and sweeter than much honey and bee-bread, Ps. Th. 118,103. II. sometimes, from a deficient knowledge of natural history, beó-breád is used for hunig-camb honey-comb; favus :-- Swétran [MS. swetra] ofer hunig and beóbreáde dulciora super mel et favum, Ps. Lamb. 18, 11. Híg brohton him-dǽl gebrǽddes fisces, and beóbreád illi obtulerunt ei partem piscis assi, et favum mellis; oί έπέδωκαν αυtonos;τψ ίχθυtonos;os όπτoυtonos; μέρos, καì άπò μελισσίoυ κηρίoυ and from a honey-comb, Lk. Bos. 24, 42. beo-bread