
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - beormas

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

gen. a; pl. m. The Biarmians. - The Biarmians inhabited the country on the shores of the White Sea, north-west of the river Dwina. Alfred calls them Beormas. They were called Biarmians by Icelandic historians, and Permiaki by the Russians, and now Permians. In the Middle Ages, the Scandinavian pirates gave the name of Permia to the whole country between the White Sea and the Ural, Malte-Brun's Univer. Geog. vol. vi. p. 419. In an Icelandic MS. on geography, written in the 14th century, Beormia and two Cwenlands are located together. Kvenlönd II, ok ero þau norþr frá Bjarmalandi. Duæ Quenlandiæ, quæ ulterius quam Bjarmia boream versus extenduntur, Antiquitates Americanæ, p. 290. - Haldorson's Lexicon Islandico-Latino-Danicum, edited by Rask, has - 'Biarmaland, Biarmia, quæ ob perpetuas nives albicatur, Bjarmeland, Permien. Biarmia ortum versus ad mare album vel gandvikam sita est :' - Fela spella him sǽdon ða Beormas, ǽgþer ge of hyra ágenum lande, ge of ðǽm landum, ðe ymb hý útan wǽran; ac he nyste hwæt ðæs sóðes wæs, forðæm he hit sylf ne geseah. Ða Finnas, him þuhte, and ða Beormas sprǽcon neáh án geþeóde the Biarmians told him many stories, both about their own country and about the countries which were around them; but he knew not what was true, because he did not see it himself. The Finns and the Biarmians, as it seemed to him, spoke nearly the same language, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 20, 11-15. Ðá Beormas hæfdon swíðe well gebún hyra land the Biarmians had very well inhabited their land, 1, 1; Bos. 20, 7. beormas