
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - bídan

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

ic bíde, ðú bídest, bítst, bíst, he bídeþ, bít,

pl. bídaþ; p. ic, he bád, ðú bide, pl. bidon; pp. biden; acc. gen. To BIDE, abide, continue, remain, tarry, wait, await, expect, endure; manere, remanere, morari, habitare in aliquo loco, expectare, consequi, sustinere :-- Ic in wíte sceal bídan in bendum I in torment must abide in bonds, Cd. 214; Th. 268, 2; Sat. 49. Seó eorþe gíniende bád the earth continued yawning, Ors. 3, 3; Bos. 56, 4. Ðonne ðæt he ðǽr leng bide than that he should abide there longer, Ors. 2, 5; Bos. 48, 4. Mere stille bád the sea remained still, Cd. 158; Th. 197, 2; Exod. 300. Bídaþ assan on þurste expectabunt onagri in siti sua, Ps. Th. 103, 11. Swá mín sáwl bád sicut expectavit anima mea, 55, 6. He geþyldum bád he waited patiently, Exon. 46 a; Th. 157, 4; Gú. 886. Utan we well ðære tíde bídan bene expectemus horam illam, Bd. 4, 24; S. 599, 5. Bídaþ Dryhtnes dómes they await the Lord's doom, Exon. 23 a; Th. 63, 17; Cri. 1021. Bád sóþra geháta he awaited the faithful promises, Cd. 71; Th. 86, 2; Gen. 1424. Hie ðæs bidon for this they waited, Exon. 10 a; Th. 10, 4; Cri. 147. In helle heó bryne welme bídan sceolden in hell they must abide [endure] scorching heat, Cd. 213; Th. 266, 25; Sat. 27. Ðá seó circe hér eahtnysse bád then the church here endured persecution, Exon. 18 a; Th. 44, 18; Cri. 704. [Laym. biden, ibiden; p. ibæd, ibad, pl. biden; pp. ibiden, ibede : O. Sax. bídan : N. Frs. bida : O. Frs. bidia : N. Dut. N. L. Ger. beiden : N. Ger. dial. beiten : M. H. Ger. bíten : O. H. Ger. bítan : Goth. beidan : Dan. bie : Swed. bida : O. Nrs. bíða [for bída] : Ir. Gael. feith.] DER. a-bídan, ge-, ofer-, on-. bidan