Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - bísen
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- bísen
- l. bisen, e; bisene, an; f. (also n. in North.), and add: I. example to be followed or avoided, (1) of persons :-- On hú monigfaldum mægenum se sácerd scolde scínan mannum tó biesene (bisene, ), Past. 85, 1. Riht is ꝥ wydewan Annan bycenan fylian, Ll. Th. ii. 324, 6. Mid bisseno Dauiðes exemplo Dauid, Mt. p. 16, 13. Sel ús hiora bissene giðiá da nobis eorum imitatione proficere, Rtl. 62, 16. Ic eów sealde bysene (bisen, L., bisine, R. exemplum), Jn. 13, 15. Nimað eów bysne be ðam, Hml. S. 24, 79, 66. Ne sceal hé yfele bysne niman æt forðfarenum mannum, Hml. Th. ii. 532, 31. Ué bisen ginime imitemur, Rtl. 57, 15. Biseno, 62, 23. Hé wolde ús bisene ástellan, Past. 33, 18. Góde bisene, 191, 5. Hálgawara ðínra biseno (exempla), Rtl. 49, 11. Hwelce bisena hé stellende wæs, Ors. 2, 2; S. 66, 24. (2) of things :-- Gelíce and seó burg wǽre tó bisene ásteald eallum middangearde, Ors. 2, 4; S. 74, 24. II. an exemplar, a model, pattern for the being, doing or making of something :-- Wé sint gesceapene æfter ðǽre biesene (bisene, v. l.) úres Scippendes ... sé ðe tó Godes bisene gesceapen is ad conditoris nostri sumus imaginem et Similitudinem creati ... qui ad Dei imaginem et similitudinem conditus, Past. 249, 17-22. Mið úser líchome bisene cum nostrae carnis substantia, Rtl. 4, 28. Mið ðý on bisne Godes wæs cum in forma Dei esset, 21, 18. Gif hwá ðás bóc áwritan wylle, þæt hé hí gerihte be ðǽre bysne (the original), Hml. Th. ii. 2, 21: Ælfc. Gr. Z. 3, 21. Hé monig tácen unwitende dyde on Godes bisene, Ors. 5, 14; S. 248, 14. Hé hét forbærnan Róme burh æfter þǽre bisene þe Trógiaburh barn, Bt. 16, 4; F. 58, 4. Ic hit mid yfelre bysene inc forgylde I will repay it you in evil fashion, Bl. H. 189, 26, 31. Magon gé geseón sweotole bysene, 99, 14. Wé wyllað eów dón bysne of twám mónðum, Angl. viii. 300, 37. Gif bisenum (exemplaribus) lufu is tó gefanne ... swǽ monig aron bissena (exemplaria) swá monige boec, Mt. p. 1, 13. Sealdon hí him bysne monige, hú hí him wǽpen wyrcean sceoldan praebent instituendorum exemplaria armorum, Bd. 1, 12; Sch. 34, 9. III. example, parallel case, precedent :-- Hé má cégde ... wé sceolan beón gelǽrede mid þysse bysene, Bl. H. 19, 14. On þisse bysene is gecýþed ꝥ ..., 35, 2. Mið bisseno oxes tó wætranne exemplo bovis adaquandi, Lk. p. 8, 5. Hé nam bysne be mannum, hú ǽlc sunu bið gingra þonne se fæder, Hml. Th. i. 290, 7. IV. a rule, prescript, precept :-- Bysne normam, i. regulam, An. Ox. 997. Bisne normam, i. rectitudinem, 2306. Bysnum normulis, i. regulis, 130. V. a figurative example, parable, similitude, type :-- Bisen féwer nétna similitudo quattuor animalium, Mt. p. 9, 10. Ðió biseno parabola, Lk. L. 8, 9. Ðiós bisseno, 11. Mið bisene from esne erende similitudine de seruo arante, p. 9, 6. Búta biseno (bisine, R.) sine parabola, Mk. L. 4, 34. Ðæt hié magon be ðisse bisene ongietan þe him is tó gecweden quod intelligi figuraliter potest, illis dicitur, Past. 188, 21. Ic þé mæg gereccan be sumere bisne, ꝥ þú miht ongiton ..., Bt. 27, 2; F. 98, 17. Þis wæs ús gedón tó lífes bysene (as a type of life), Bl. H. 73. 23: 75, 27. Þis eástorlíce gerýno ús æteówed þæs écean lífessweotole bysene, 83, 8. Óðero biseno aliam parabolam, Mt. L. 13, 31. Óðer bisen, 33. Bisin, p. 19, 1. Ꝥ bisen (ðá bisine, R.), Lk. L. 14, 7. Wé sculon manega bisna reccan ... ne fó wé ná on ðá bisena (bisna, v. l.) for ðára leásana spella lufan, Bt. 35, 5; F. 166, 13-16. [v. N. E. D. bysen.] v. býsen (l. bysen) in Dict. bisen