
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - bisenian

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

p. ode I. to set or give an example of something (acc. or clause) to a person (dat.) :-- Gif hé wel lǽrð and yfele mid weorce bysenað, R. Ben. 11, 19. Hí bisnodon hiora æftergengum ꝥ hí nǽren mid wítum oferswíþde exemplum ceteris praetulerunt, invictam malis esse virtutem, Bt. 39, 10; F. 230, 2. Bysnige hé ealle eáðmódnesse eallum magis humilitatis exempla omnibus det, R. Ben. 107, 6. Gif se láreów riht tǽce ..., gif hé yfel bysnige, Hml. Th. ii. 48, 35. Þæt hý bodian and bysnian Godes riht georne, Wlfst. 179, 8. Ꝥ hig mihton þám folce wel wissian tó Godes geleáfan and wel bisnian tó gódum weorcum, Ælfc. Gen. Thw. 2, 28. II. to take example :-- Ðá láreówas ðæt wæter gedréfað mid hira unðeáwum, ðonne ðæt folc bisenað on hira unðeáwum, nals on hira láre cum subjecti non sectantur verba, sed exempla pravitatis imitantur, Past. 31, 6. Oðre men bi ðám bieseniað (bis-, ) ad subditos suos exempla transmittunt, 191, 7. Hé gesyngað ðurh ðá ðe be him bisniað (per eos, qui se imitari fecerint, delinquant) ... ðýlǽs ðá untruman be him bisneden, 451, 27-30. III. to take the model for, model, form after a pattern, v. bisen, II :-- Of þínum ríce wé bysniað eall ꝥ wé gódes dóð, Shrn. 166, 23. Bisnide l sceóp mec esne him formans me servum sibi, Rtl. 55, 32. Ne bysna þé be nánum þǽra þe yfel dón, Ps. Th. 36, 8. IV. to express figuratively, v. bisen, V :-- Ðæt ilce Dryhten ús bisnade ðurh Moysen, ðá hé cuæð quod figurate Dominus per Moysen praecipit, dicens, Past. 165, 24. [v. N. E. D. bysen.] v. bysnian in Dict. bisenian

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