Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - blíðe
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- comp. blíðra; superl. blíðost; def. se blíða, seó, ðæt blíðe; adj. I. joyful, glad, merry, cheerful, pleasant, BLITHE; lætus, hilaris :-- Beó blíðe, ðú góda þeów be joyful, thou good servant, Mt. Bos. 25, 21. Wæs Iethro blíðe for eallum ðám þingum, ðe Drihten dyde Israhéla folce Jethro was glad for all the things, which the Lord did for the people of Israel, Ex. 18, 9. Wæs engla þreát hleahtre bríðe geworden the host of angels became merry with laughter, Exon. 18 b; Th. 46,19; Cri. 739: 20 b; Th. 55, 3; Cri. 878: Cd. 178; Th. 223, 10; Dan. 117. Wæs se blíða gǽst fús on forþweg the blithe spirit was eager for departure, Exon. 46 b; Th, 158, 30; Gú. 917. He bæd hine blíðne beón æt ðære beórþege he bade him be merry at the beer-drinking, Beo. Th. 1238; B. 617: Menol. Fox 193; Men. 98. Dó ðínes scealcessáwle bríðe lætifica animam servi tui, Ps. Th. 85, 3. Mid ðás blíðan gedryht [MS. gedryt] with this joyful host, Exon. 15 a; Th. 33, 2; Cri. 519. Ic God bletsige blíðe móde I will bless God with a joyful mind, 41 b; Th. 138, 23; Gú. 580: Ps. Th. 54, 11: 65, 7: Rood Kmbl. 242; Kr. 122. Wígan wǽron blíðe the warriors were blithe, Elen. Kmbl. 492; El. 246: Cd. 171; Th. 215, 12; Exod. 582: Ps. Th. 52, 8: 106, 41. Cyning wæs ðý blíðra the king was the blither, Elen. Kmbl. 192; El. 96: Bt. Met. Fox 9, 63; Met. 9, 32: Byrht. Th. 136, 5; By. 146. Híg blíðost [blíðust MS.] wǽron they were most merry, Jud. 16, 25. II. gentle, kind, friendly, clement, mild, sweet; mansuetus, benignus, comis, clemens, mitis, suavis :-- Him biþ engla Weard milde and blíðe the Lord of angels will be mild and gentle to them, Elen. Kmbl. 2631; El. 1317: Ps. Th. 118, 98: Beo. Th. 877; B. 436. Eallum is úre Drihten milde and blíðe suavis Dominus universis, Ps. Th. 144, 9: 66, 6. Wese us beorhtnes ofer blíðan Drihtnes úres let the beauty [brightness] of our gentle Lord be over us, 89, 19. Weorc ánra gehwæs beorhte blíceþ in ðam blíðan hám the works of every one shall brightly shine in that sweet home, Exon. 64 b; Th. 238, 5; Ph. 599. Fæder ongon, þurh blíðne geþoht, his bearn lǽran a father began, through kind thought, to teach his son, Exon. 80 b; Th. 302, 30; Fä. 44: Andr. Kmbl. 1941; An. 973: Ps. Th. 102, 19. Utan us biddan ðone blíðan gǽst ðæt he us gescilde, wið sceáðan wǽpnum let us pray the kind spirit [i.e. the Holy Ghost] that he shield us against the spoiler's weapons, Exon. 19 a; Th. 48, 20; Cri. 774. Blíðe móde with gentle mind, Ps. Th. 89, 18: Exon. 121 b; Th. 467, 5; Hö. 134. Hý wǽron blíðe wið me on heora gebǽrum, and on heora móde hí blissedon on mínum ungelimpe they were friendly with me in their manner, and in their mind they rejoiced for my misfortune, Ps. Th. 34, 15. Swylce habban sceal blíðe gebǽro such shall have gentle demeanour, Exon. 115 b; Th. 444, 8; Kl. 44. Hý se æðeling grétte blíðum wordum the chieftain greeted her with kind words, 68 a; Th. 252, 19; Jul. 165. III. quiet, calm, peaceful; tranquillus, placidus :-- Léton ðone hálgan swefan on sibbe under swegles hleó, blíðne bídan they left the saint sleeping in peace, calm abiding under the vault of heaven, Andr. Kmbl. 1665; An. 835. Ðæt he smylte móde and blíðe him eall forlét quod ille placida mente dimitteret, Bd. 3, 22; S. 553, 21. Ða ýða swýgiaþ, blíðe weorþaþ the waves grow silent, become calm, Ps. Th. 106, 28. [Chauc. R. Glouc. blithe: Laym. blíðe, bliðen: Orm. bliþe: O. Sax. blíði: North Frs. blid: O. Frs. blide in blid-skip joy: Dut. blijde: M. H. Ger. blíde: O. H. Ger. blídi: Goth. bleiþs: Dan. Swed. blid: Icel. blíðr.] DER. hyge-blíðe, ofer-, un-. bliðe,bliþe