
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - blíþe

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Add: I. cheerful, &c. :-- Blíþe letus, Wrt. Voc. i. 83, 36: alacris, 287, 66. (1) of persons, feeling gladness :-- Ꝥ hié ealle þá blíðe móde (alacri animo) lustlíce healdan woldan, Bd. 4, 5; Sch. 375, 15: Bl. H. 39, 4: 7, 1. Oft gebyreð ðætte sume bióð tó ungemetlíce blíðe for sumum gesǽlðum plerumque quis laetae nimis conspersionis existit, Past. 455, 8. Wǽron þá burgware tó þon fægene and tó þon blíðe þæt hié feohtan móston, Ors. 5, 3; S. 222, 4. Blíþum uoti compotibus, i. letis, An. Ox. 809. Mycele blíþre bið seó sáwl, Bl. H. 41, 30. (1 a) glad at, of (with gen.) :-- Gehwylc sý blýðe þæs þe him æt his cyrcan cume, Ll. Th. ii. 410, 34. Gehýrdon gehwilce hálige englas singan, blíðe þæs hálgan tócymes, Hml. Th. ii. 518, 9. (1 b) well-disposed to, ready for; alacer (ad) :-- Þá cempan hét Claudius heáfde beceorfan . . . , and hié wǽron blíðran tó ðám deáðe þonne hý hér on hǽðengilde lifden, Shrn. 132, 12. (1 c) in encouraging exclamations :-- Beó blíþe euge, An. Ox. 56, 134. Ealle blíðe cuncti euax, 14. (2) of things, expressing gladness :-- Hí blíþre stefne cégdon, Bl. H. 89, 30. Hit frán blíþum wordum, Bt. 3, 1; F. 4, 28. Seó Gesceádwísnes him blíþum eágum on lócude, 5, 1; F. 8, 25. II. gentle, &c. :-- Milde l blíðe l bilwit simplex, Lk. L. 11, 34: p. 7, 9: Mt. L. 6, 23: mansuetus, 21, 5. Hé feól tó his fótum, and bæd ꝥ hé him blíþe wǽre (ut sibi placatus esset), Bd. 3, 14; Sch. 259, 3, 13. Hwæþer hí ealle smylte mód and bútan eallum incan blíðe tó him hæfdon . . . and hí hine bǽdon, ꝥ hé him eallum blíðe wǽre (placidam erga ipsos mentem habere), 4, 24; Sch. 490, 5-13. Se cásere hét sendan hine of bendum, and him þá blíðe wæs, Hml, S. 3, 197. Ꝥ þú þám godum offrige, ꝥ hí þé blýðe beón, 4, 131. Wosas gé blíðo l mildo (simplices) suǽ culfre, Mt. L. 10, 16. Blíþe word delenifica, Wrt. Voc. ii. 138, 61. Hié wilniað ðæt wé him geðwǽre sién, and hié ús ðe blíðran beón mægen, Past. 255, 2. bliðe,bliþe