
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - bóc

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

g. bóce? béc; d. béc; acc. bóc; pl. nom. acc. béc; g. bóca; d. bócum, bócan; f. I. a BOOK; liber :-- Seó bóc is on Englisc awend the book is turned into English, Homl. Th. ii. 358, 30. On fórewerd ðære bóce [MS. bóc] oððe on heáfde bǽc awriten is be me in capite libri scriptum est de me, Ps. Lamb. 39, 9. On fórewardre ðyssere béc ys awriten be me, ðæt ic sceolde ðínne willan wyrcan, Ps. Th. 39, 8; in the hed of the boc it is write of me, that I do thi wil, Wyc. Ic wrát bóc I wrote a book, Bd. 5, 23; S. 648, note 37. Adilga me of ðínre béc dele me de libro tuo, Ex. 32, 32, 33. Swá he ða bóc unfeóld so he unfolded the book, Lk. Bos. 4, 17, 20: Deut. 31, 26. Ða béc befón to contain the books; capere libros, Jn. Bos. 21, 25. On ðæra cininga bócum in the kings' books, Ælfc. T. Lisle 21, 1: 23, 19: 40, 4. On ðære béc in this book, 24, 25. Bóca bedǽled deprived of books, 2, 3. On fíf béc in five books, Bd. 5, 23; S. 648, 31. Ðis is seó bóc Adames mǽgrace hic est liber generationis Adam, Gen. 5, 1: Mt. Bos. 5, 31. Feówer Cristes béc four books of Christ, the four gospels, Ælfc. T. Lisle 24, 22. Bóca streón a treasury of books, a library, Bd. 5, 21; Whelc. 451, 30, MS. C. II. a charter; charta = χάρτηs, m :-- Ðis is seó bóc, ðe Æðelstán cing gebócode Friþestáne bisceope this is the charter, which king Æthelstan chartered to bishop Frithestane, Th. Diplm. A. D. 938; 187, 18. Heó cýðáþ on ðisse béc they declare by this charter, Th. Diplm. A. D. 886-899; 137, 12. Ic him sealde ðæt lond on éce erfe, and ða béc I gave him the land in perpetual heritage, and the charters, Th. Diplm. A. D. 872-915; 168, 10. 2. for the books which a priest ought to possess, 2; for his canonical hours, v. 3. [Chauc. booke: Laym. boc, bac, f: Orm. boc: Plat. book, n: O. Sax. bók, n. f: Frs. bok, f; boek, n: O. Frs. bok, f. n: Dut. boek, n: Ger. buch, n: M. H. Ger. buoch, n: O. H. Ger. bóh, n: Goth. boka, f: Dan. bog, c: Swed. bok, f: Icel. bók, f: O. Slav. bukva, f. All these words have evidently the same origin. Wormius, Saxo, Junius, ete. suppose that as bóc denotes a beech-tree, as well as a book, in the latter case it was used in reference to the material from which the Northern nations first made their books. Wormius infers, that pieces of wood, cut from the beech-tree, were the ancient Northern books, Lit. Run. p. 6. Saxo Grammaticus states, that Fengo's ambassadors took with them letters engraved in wood [literas ligno insculptas], because that was formerly a celebrated material to write upon, Lib. iii. p. 52; Turner's Hist. App. b. ii. ch. 4, n. 25, vol. i. p. 238. Thus the Latin liber, and Greek βίβλos a book, took their origin from the materials of which books were made. Liber originally signified the inner bark of a tree, and βίεos or βυtonos;βλos, an Egyptian plant [Cyperus papyrus, Lin.], which, when divided into lamina and formed into sheets to write upon, was called παπυρos, hence papyrus paper. Martinius, Stiernhielmius, Wachter, Adelung, etc. rather derive buch, bóc, etc. from bügen to bend or fold in plaits, referring to the folded leaves of the parchment. Thus distinguishing these books from their folds. The ancient volumina were denominated from being in rolls, or rolled in the form of cylinders. At the Council of Toledo, in the 8th century, a book was denominated complicamentum, that which is folded. In still earlier times, even one fold of parchment was denominated a book, and Ker. calls a letter puah, and Not. brïef puoch, lit. a letter book.] DER. ǽ-béc, ǽrend-bóc, bigspell-, bletsing-; Cristes bóc; dóm-, fór-, gódspell-, hand-, land-, mæsse-, pistol-, rǽding-, sang-, scrift-, síþ-, spel-, traht-, wís-: bóc-æceras, -cest, -cræft, -cræftig, -ere, -fel, -gestreón, -hord, -hús, -ian, -land, -lár, -leaf, -léden, -líc, -rǽdere, -rǽding, -reád, -riht, -scamel, -stæf, -tǽcing, -talu, -ung. boc

Verwandte Wörter: mæsse-preóst,
