
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - bonda

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

l. bónda, and add :-- Æt ǽlcum forðfarenum gildan, sé hit bónda, sé hit wíf, þe on þám gildscipe sindon, Cht. Th. 609, 12. Gyf frígman þæt fasten ábrece, gebéte þæt þus: bónda mid .xxx. penigan, þegen mid .xxx. scillingan, Wlfst. 172, 5. Bunda, 181, 9. Án his manna wolde wícian æt ánes bundan húse, Chr. 1048 ; P. 172, 22. Swá þám bóndan sý sélost, Wlfst. 272, 1. ¶ A comparison of Wlfst. 172, 5: 181, 9 with L. Eth. viii. 2 : Si quis jejunium snum infringat, reddat liber pauper .xxx. d., gives liber pauper as the translation of bónda. [From Icel. bóndi. N. E. D. bond.] v. hús-bónda. bonda