
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - bróga

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:


m. A prodigy, monster, trembling, fear, terror, horror, dread; monstrum, tremor, terror, horror :-- Ǽnig óðer bróga any other prodigy, Bt. 36, 1; Fox 172, 17. Iówer ege and bróga sie ofer ealle eorþan nítenu terror vester ac tremor sit super cuncta animalia terræ, Past. 17, 2; Hat. MS. 22 a. 14. Brógan ðíne gedréfdon me terrores tui conturbaverunt me, Ps. Spl. 87, 17. Bútan brógan without dread, Leterror laid hold of him, Beo. Th. 2587; B. 1291. Ne con he ðæs brógan dǽl he knoweth not a portion of the terror, Exon. 117 a; Th. 449, 15; Dóm. 71. Ðǽr is brógna [ = brógena] hýhst there is the greatest of terrors, 116 a; Th. 446, 17; Dóm. 23. [O. H. Ger. brógo, m.] DER. bryne-bróga, gryre-, here-, spere-, wæter-, wíte-. broga

Verwandte Wörter: 26, 6. Hine se bróga angeat
