
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - brǽw

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

breáw, breág, brég, brégh, bréhg, es;

m. An eye-lid; palpebra :-- Wið þiccum brǽwum for thick eye-lids, L. M. 1, 2; Lchdm. ii. 38, 9. Ðæt biþ swíðe god sealf ðam men ðe hæfþ þicce brǽwas that will be a very good salve for a man who has thick eye-lids, 1, 2 ; Lchdm. ii. 38, 22, 12. Unwlítig swile and atelíc his eágan brégh [brég MS. C.] wyrde and wemde an unsightly and fearful swelling harmed and corrupted his eye-lid, Bd. 4, 32 ; S. 611, 18. Ðá ðá ðam feaxe onféng ðæs hálgan heáfdes, he togesette ðam untruman bréhge cum accepisset capillos sancti capitis, adposuit palpebræ languenti, 4, 32; S. 611, 40. Ðá gehrán he his eágan, gemétte he hit swá hál mid ðý brǽwe contingens oculum, sanum cum palpebra invenit, 4, 32; S. 612, 7. Brǽwas [brégas, Surt.] his axiaþ oððe befrinaþ bearn manna palpebræ ejus interrogant filios hominum, Ps. Lamb. 10, 5; the eȝelidis of hym asken the sones of men, Wyc. Brǽwas palpebræ, Wrt. Voc. 70, 41: 282, 50. Breáwas palpebræ, Ælfc. Gl. 70; Som. 70, 63; Wrt. Voc. 42, 71. Gif ic selle swefnu oððe slǽp eágum ménum, and breáwum [brǽwum. Spl: brégum, Surt.] mínum hnappunga si dedero somnum oculis meis, et palpebris meis dormitationem, Ps. Lamb. 131, 4; I shal not ȝiue slep to myn eȝen, and to my eȝe lidis napping, Wyc. Ic eom wíde calu, ne ic bréaga ne brúna brúcan móste I am very bald, nor can I make use of eye-lids nor eye-lashes, Exon. 111 b; Th. 427, 32; Rä. 41, 100. Betwux oferbrúan and brǽwum intercilium [= intercilia], Ælfc. Gl. 70; Som. 70, 70; Wrt. Voc. 43, 4. [O. Sax. bráha, bráwa. f: O. Frs. ag-bre, n. an eye-lid: M. H. Ger. brá, f: O. H. Ger. brá, n: Icel. brá, f. an eye-lid: Lat. frons, f. the forehead, brow: Grk. GREEK, f. the eye-brow: Sansk. bhrū, f. an eye-brow, the brow.] DER. ofer-brǽw.

Verwandte Wörter: brú. bræw
