Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - bútan
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
búton, bútun;
- bútan
- prep. [be, útan out]. I. with the dative; cum dativo. 1. out of, against; extra, contra :-- Forbærn ðæt celf bútan ðære wícstówe ipsum vitulum comburet extra castra, Leagainst the law of the land, Andr. Kmbl. 1357; An. 679. 2. without, except; sine, absque, præter :-- Bútan leahtre sine crimine, Mt Bos. 12, 5. Bútan ánum cnihte excepta UNCERTAIN uno puerulo, Bd. 3, 23; S. 555, 26. Bútan geþeahte without thought, 3, 1; S. 523, 31. Bútan eude without end, Exon. 11b; Th. 17, 16; Cri. 271: L. E. I. prm ; Th. ii. 400, 28. II. with the accusative; cum accusativo. 1. out of; extra :-- He lædde hine bútan ða wic eduxit eum extra vicum, Mk. Bos. 8, 23. 2. without, except; sine, præter :-- Bútan sealm præter psalmodiam. Bd. 3, 27; S. 559, 10. III. sometimes bútan is separated from its case :-- Ðæt Wæs geworden bútan weres frigum that came to pass without the favours of man, Exon. 8b; Th. 3, 17; Cri. 37. [Chauc, but: R. Brun. bot: R. Glouc. bote: Laym. bute, bote: Orm. buttan, butt: O. Sax. bútan, bótan: Frs. buten: O. Frs. buta: Dut. buiten: Kil. buyten: Ger. bauszen.] butan