Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - býdel
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- býdel
- m. [beódan to bid, order, proclaim]. I. one who bids or cries out, a herald, proclaimer, minister; præco, nuncius :-- Býdel præco, Ælfc. Gr. 47; Som. 48, 41: Wrt. Voc. 84, 40. Se Godes býdel a messenger of God, minister, Homl. Th. ii. 530, 2. Se Godes Sunu sende his býdel tofóran him the Son of God sent his proclaimer before him, ii. 36, 25, 27. Bisceopas sindon býdelas Godes lage bishops are proclaimers of God's law, L. C. E. 26; Th. i. 374, 15. Biscopas sind to býdelum gesette bishops are ordained to be ministers, Homl. Th. ii. 120, 8. Drihten sende his býdelas ætfóran him the lord sent his messengers [prophets] before him, ii. 530, 9. II. one who bids or summons to appear in a court of law, a BEADLE; apparitor, exactor, bedellus :-- Ðé sylle se déma ðam býdele, and se býdel ðé sende on cwertern judex tradat te exactori, et exactor mittat te in carcerem, Lk. Bos. 12, 58. Býdele gebýraþ, ðæt he for his wycan sý weorces ðonne óðer man bedello pertinet, ut pro servitio suo libertior sit ab operatione quam alii homines, L. R. S. 18; Th. i. 440, 6. He þurh his býdelas his gafoles myngaþ he reminds him of his tribute by his messengers [lit. beadles], L. Edg. S. l; Th. i. 270, 19. Aaron hét býdelas beódan, -- to morgen biþ simbeldæg Aaron commanded beadles to proclaim, -- to-morrow is a feast day, Ex. 32, 5. [Piers P. bedele: Dut. beul, m: Ger. büttel, m: M. H. Ger. bütel: O. H. Ger. butil, m.] bydel