
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - byre

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

gen. byres; dat. byre; acc. byre: pl. nom. acc. byras, byre; gen. byra; dat. byrum; m. A son, child, descendant; natus, filius, soboles, proles :-- Ðonne ǽfre byre monnes hýrde under heofonum than ever child of man heard under heaven, Exon. 57b; Th. 206, 18; Ph. 128: Beo. Th. 4113; B. 3053. UNCERTAIN Ðǽr hyre byre wǽron where her sons were, 2381; B. 1188. Ðæs ða byre siððan gyrne onguldon, ðe hí ðæt gyfl þégun for which their children since with grief have paid, that they ate that fruit, Exon. 61b; Th. 226, 22; Ph. 409. Mǽru cwén bǽdde byras geonge the illustrious queen solicited her young sons, Beo. Th. 4040; B. 2018. Lamech bearna strýnde; him byras wócan eafora and idesa; he ðone yldestan Noæ nemde Lamech begat children; to him descendants were born of sons and daughters; the eldest he named Noah, Cd. 62; Th. 75, l; Gen. 1233. [Goth. baur, m. one born, a son: O. Nrs. burr, borr, m.]

Verwandte Wörter: beam. byre
