
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - cæcepol

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

v. hæcewol.

cæg. Dele 'For eage; f. l. ' and add :-- Seó cǽge, Verc. Först. 128, 20. cæpse, an; f. A box :-- Wyrcað áne níwe cæpsan eówrum lácum tó fætelse. Nap. 11. [Lat. capsa.] cáf. Add: strenuous, strong :-- Cáfe strenui, Chrd. 52, 17. Cáfe (fortes) druncen tó mengenne, 74, 20. cáflíce. (2) add: -- Cáflíce uiriliter, Chrd. 40, 3: 94, 6: strenue, 53, 27 : 93, 10. calan. v. of-calen. camb favus. v. hunig-e. camb a comb. v. wull-e. camp. Add; -- Úres gewinnes and compes militiae noslrae, Nar. 2, 28. campian. v. ellen-c. camp-lic. Add: -- Camplice wǽpen arma militaria, Chrd. 63, 24. cancer. Add: -- Gestanden mid cancre þǽre wunde, Gr. D. 279, 27. Candelmæsse-dæg Candelmasday :-- On ðám feówerteogoðan dæge fram his ácennednesse þe wé cweþað Candelmæssedæg, Nap. 12. capitol; II. add :-- Tó capitule (ad capitulum) cuman, Chrd. 28, 9. Fram capitule árísan, 29, 17. Capitul habban, 43, 10. car-ful; I. add :-- Ðá dióflu drífað þá cearfullan sáwla tó helle, Verc. Först. 112, 4. II. add :-- Hé weorpeð ðá cearfullan cǽge (the key of hell) in on þá helle, 15. caulic some kind of medicine :-- Ðó caulices on .ii. dropan oððe þrý, Lch. ii. 272, 22. cawel (cáwel). l. cáwel. cáwel-wyrm. Add: -- Cáwlwyrm (printed calfwyrt; but see Nap. 76) eruca, Wrt. Voc. i. 31, 72. ceafer. v. eorþ-e. cealdu. v. sin-c. cealflan. v. mis-c. cealf-wyrt. v. cáwel-wyrm. ceap-land bought land (?) :-- Ic an mín wíf al ðat ceáplond and dat óðer ðat ic mid hire nam, C. D. iv. 294, 18. ceápung. v. or-ceápungum. ceás-lunger; odj. Quick to quarrel, contentious :-- Se hordere sceal beón sýfre and ná ceáslunger (conteniiasvs), Chrd. 19, 12. v. lunger. ceaster-leód; pl. leóde a citizen :-- Þǽr úre bídaþ úre ceasterlióde, Nap. 12. ceaster-leód, e; f. The people of a city, the citizens :-- God wæs yrre þǽre ceasterléóde, Nap. la. ceaster-wyrhta. The Latin word glossed is polimitarius; perhaps the glosser connected poli- with GREEK, though Wrt. Voc. ii. 68, 26 has polimita hringfág. ceddran Dr. Bradley suggests that addran should be read. v. ǽdre; II. celness. v. ed-c. cene; adj. v. searu-c. (?) céne adv. Dele, and for belliter read belliger. cennan. v. frum cennende; ed-, eorþ-, frum-, heofon-, níw-cenned. cenning Add: II. a declaration; v. cennan ; II. v. mis-c. Centingas men of Kent :-- Ealle Centingas, Chr. 1011, P. 141, 16 : 1052; P. 179, 7. v. Eást-, West-C. ceol-wæro pain in the throat :-- Wið ceolwærc, Lch. ii. 312, 2. ceorfan ; II. add :-- Gé soecað mec tó ceorfanne l tó ácwellanne (interficere), Jn. R. 8, 37. v. fore-, ofer-c. ceorfend. v. fore-c. ceorl; II. add: -- Fram þám dysigum ceorla folce wæs weorþod se hǽþena god, Gr. D. 121, 19. v. æcer-, Sót-(?)c. cíd strife :-- Æfest and gecíd (geflit and cíd, v. l.), Lch. ii. 168, 17. cídere one who chides, quarrels, &c. :-- Gif hwylc preóst beo . . . cídere (increpalor), Chrd. 41, 30. cígan; II. add :-- Þá cégde heó tó eallum þǽm apostolum on hire hordcofan uocauit omnes apostolas in cubiculo suo, Bl. H. 143, 33. v. ed-, in-c. cíg-ung. Add: invocation :-- Héyfelsacode Godes mægnþrym . . . in scinna ciginge, Gr. D. 289, 9. v. in-, nam-c. oilcan. v. ge-c. cild. v. mæg-, mægden-c. cild-bearn (?) a child :-- Ǽghwýlc wǽpned cildbearn ( = cild l bearn), Nap. 12. cild-geong. In 1. 2 dele '. Mon . . , 49', and add :-- Ne sceal hine mon cildgeongne forcweðan, Gn. Ex. 49. cille. v. stór-c. Ciltern-sǽte. In 1. 2 after Cilternsǽtna add: landes is. -cin diminutive suffix, v. (?) þyrn-cin. cípa. Add :-- Preóst þe byþ cýpa negotiator clericus, Chrd. 70, 5. cíping; I a. add. :-- Céping teloneum (cf. mertze), Wrt. Voc. i. 37, 10. III. dele gloss at Wrt. Voc. i. 37, 10. cip-pian. v. for-c. cirice. v. heáfod-e. cirlisc; I. add :-- Gif ceorlisc man (ceorl, v. l. ) geþeó ꝥ hé hæbbe . v. hída landes, Ll. Th. i. 1 88, 5. cirm. v. sárig-e. cirpsian. Add :-- Sume preóstas sýn þe gýmað . . . . . . ꝥ heora loccas mid (nǽdle?) tyrninge cyrpsion (crines calamistri uestigio rotantur), Chrd. 64, 34. cirr. v. geán-e. cir-redness. v. for-c. , and cyrredness in Dict. -cirrendlic. v. on-e. -cirring. v. for-c. cís. Add: fastidious, squeamish :-- þe lǽs hit seócmódum bróðrum and císum wyrðe tó wlættan ut infirmis mentibus non uertatur in nausiam, Chrd. 23, 9. cís-stycce a piece of cheese :-- Án tyl cýssticce portionem de formatico, Chrd. 15, 3: 5 : 8. cist. v. hrægel-, merc-e. clǽfre. v. heorot-, hwíte-c. clǽne; II. for first passage see leger; III. , and add; II a. free from encumbrance or obligation :-- Sealde . . . seó scír his land clǽne, þá hé hit unforbodan and unbesacan bohte, Cht. Th. 376, 14. Ðis wæs úre ealra seht. Wulfstán and his sunu sealdon þæt and clǽne Leófríce, arid Leófríc and Wulfstán and Wulfríc þám bisceope, clǽne land and unbesacan, 377, 12-18. [Ælfred hauet yseld his land sacleás and clǽne (pacifice ei quiete), C. D. iv. 199, 7.] II b. free from what is shameful, of ground used for burial, hallowed, v. leger; III. clǽn-georn. Add: desirous of cleanliness :-- Góde bæc-yrstran . . . to ǽlcum meteþingum clǽngeorne . . . and wé wyllað þæt þá cócas clǽngeorne beón, Chrd. 19, 19-21. clǽnsian. v. uii-clǽiisod. clam[m]. v. fér-c. cláþ. v. eaxl-, hand-, hed-, offrung-cláþ. cláþ-flyhte. v. flyhte. clauster. Add :-- Þ á claustru (claustra canonicorum) þǽr þá preóstas inne slápað, Chrd, 21, 9. cleofa. v. ealu-, mete-c. cleof[u]. v. in-c. clife. v. hegc-e. clifer. v. rinde-c. clifrian. Add :-- Seó culfre ná mid cláwum clyfrað (lacerat), Chrd. 62, 16. clipian. Add: I a. with acc. :-- Hé clipode tó Gode þisne cwyde, Ælfc. T. Grn. 11. 37. III. of sounds :-- Þone swég þára fíf clipiendra stafa, Chrd. 57, 8. v. ofer-c. -olipigendlic. v. tó-c. clipung. v. ge-, tó-c. clif-wyrt. Add: Lch. iii. 54, 33. clufeht. l. clufeht[e]. clyccan. v. for-, ymb-e. clýsan. v. for-c. cnǽwe. v. or-c. cnáwend. v. on-e. -cnawlíce. v. tó-c. Substitute: [cnáwléce in the phrase tó cnáwléce in acknowledgement :-- Ic gife tó cníwléce S ce Peter mín messehacel, Chr. 963 ; P. 117, 12.] -cnáwness. v. ge-c. -cneordlic, -líce. v. ge-c. cneóres. v. forc-c. cneów. v. frum-e. cniht; I. add: I b. used in reference to a guild, a junior member (?); a member of a young men's guild (?) :-- Hæbbe ǽlc gegilda .ii. sesteras mealtes, and ǽlc cniht ánne and sceat huniges, Cht. Th. 613, 33. Ego Æðelhelm and cniahta gegildan (cf. (?) N. E. D. knighten-gild), C. D. B. ii. 128, 32. II. add. :-- Gif cniht ǽpen bréde, gilde se hláford án pund. Cht. Th. 612, 23: 28: 32. (The guild in this case was 'þegna gild. ') cniht-hád ; I. add :-- Þá gedwolan his cnihtháda errorespueritiae, Bd. 5, 14; Sch. 642, 9. cnítan (?), cnítian (?) l. cnitian cnyllan; II. add :-- Hé þá dura cnylde, Vis. Lfc. 28. cofa. v. flǽsc-, land-c. copel. Cf. cucol. -copsed (-cosped). v. fót-, ge-c. -copseude. v. ge-c. -corded, v. ge-c. -coren. v. ge-c. coren-beág. Cf. coróna. -coren-lic, -líce. v. ge-c. corfian. v. for-c. corn. Add: v. hwǽte-c. ; ge-cyrnod. corn-hrycce. Dele, and see corn-hwicce. corn-hwæcca. Dele: Substitute: corn-hwæcce. v. corn-hwicce. corn-hwicce, an; f. A corn-chest :-- Wearð gemét ðæt feoh uppon ánre cornhwyccan (-hwntccan, v. l. in three MSS. ; Thorpe incorrectly prints -hryccan), Hml. Th. ii. 178, 8. v. hwæcce. cost. Add: -- Menigum costum l uísum mullis modi's, Jn. p. 7, 10. [Monigfald cost clǽnsungú multimodis purificationibus, Rtl. 121, 28.] -cost; adj. v. ge-c. costnian. v. ge-c. costung. v. ge-, ofer-c. coþu. v. un-c. crácettan. v. -croccetan. cæcepol

Verwandte Wörter: helle-cǽge.
