Castel (-ell)

Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - castel (-ell)

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

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castel (-ell)
m. I. a castle :-- Þá Frencyscan þe on þan castelle wǽron, Chr. 1052; P. 175, 13. Sume tó Pentecostes castele, sume tó Ródbertes castele, P. 181, 5. Æt ǽlcan castelle, 1075; P. 210, 25. His wíf wæs innan þám castele, and hine heóld swá lang ꝥ man hire grið sealde, P. 211, ii. Hæfdon þá welisce menn gewroht ǽnne castel, 1048; P. 173, 16. Tó Eoferwíc fóron and þone castel tóbrǽcon, 1069; P. 204, 18. Hí þá castelas gewunnan, P. 203, 4. [From Norman-French. For native English usage, cf. ꝥ woerc castellum, Lk. L. 24, 13.] II. an old British or Roman earthwork (?). N. E. D. castle, 8 :-- On ánne castel at Swíndúne; of ðý castele . . . tó ánne castel; of ðí castele on ánne herepað, C. D. iii. 397, 18-21. v. stán-castel. castel -ell