
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - ceáp

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Add: I. trading, bargaining, bargain, sale, purchase :-- Ceáp distractio, sala venditio, Wrt. Voc. i. 55, 54. Hé sealde his sweostor án marc goldes ... on geceápodne ceáp ... þes ceáp wæs geceápod ætforan ealra scýre he was to give his sister a mark of gold ... to complete the purchase ... This purchase was completed before all the shire, Cht. Th. 350, 14-22. Hí cépes ne gýmdon, ne náht syllan ne móston, Hml. S. 31, 324. Ceápe negotio, An. Ox. 4838. For ceápe commertio, 7, 227. Þæt tempel næs tó nánum ceápe árǽred, Hml. Th. i. 406, 25. Sýn on ǽlcum ceápe twégen oþþe þrý tó gewitnysse, Ll. Th. i. 274, 19. Gif hé ceáp áredige út on hwylcere fare, 23. Gif man hwæt becýpan scyle, warnien þá þe þone ceáp drífað, þæt hí nán þing fácenlices on þám ceápe ne dón si quid venumdandum est, videant ipsi, per quorum manus transigenda sunt, ne aliquam fraudem presumant inferre, R. Ben. 95, 11. Hé hreówlíce his ceáp gedrifen hæfde he had done his bargaining (for bread) miserably, Hml. S. 23, 585. Ceápas negotia, Scint. 60, 10. Ðá ealdorbiscopas ðá leáslican ceápas binnan ðám Godes húse geðafedon, Hml. Th. i. 406, 15. ¶ tó ceápe on sale :-- Gehírde Iacób secgan, þæt man sealde hwǽte ... þá cwæð hé: 'Ic gehírde secgan, þæt hwǽte wǽre tó ceápe (venumdetur),' Gen. 42, 2: Hml. S. 19, 235. Man orf þǽr tó ceápe hæfde, ... ðæt man on gehendnysse tó bicgenne gearu hæfde, Hml. Th. i. 406, 21. II. what is given for a commodity, price :-- Tó ceápe syllan venumdare, Gen. 37, 27. Man hláf sealde tó ceápe, Hml. S. 23, 563. Heó bohte Gladu wyð healfe punde tó cépe and tó tolle, Cht. E. 254, 8: Cht. Th. 633, 5. God mid deórwyrðum ceápe us gebohte, Wlfst. 144, 1. Heardan ceápe, B. 2482. ¶ bútan ceápe gratis, without payment :-- Hé ágeaf hí bútan ceápe (weorðe, ) sine pretio, Gr. D. 83, 5. Scottas him andlyfene búton ceápe (sine pretio) sealdon, Bd. 3, 27; Sch. 318, 4. Bútan cépe (gratis) gé underféngon, bútan cépe syllaþ, Scint. 131, 11. II a. the amount of a fine for redemption :-- Sceal sé þe hine (a homicide) áh ... lx. scill. gesellan wið his feore. Gif hé þone ceáp nelle fore gesellan, Ll. Th. i. 148, 17. III. what may be bought or sold, goods, chattels, stock :-- Mid hú wáclicum wurðe Godes ríce bið geboht. ... Se ceáp ne mæg wið nánum sceatte beón geeht, Hml. Th. i. 582, 27: B. 2415. Sunnandæges cýpinge gif hwá ágynne, þolie þæs ceápes, Ll. Th. i. 170, 16. Nimð him man hyra ceápes (rei) hwæthwega, ii. 160, 3. Teóþan dǽl ealles þæs ceápes þe gé habban, Bl. H. 41, 25. Þæs þe wé on ceápe habban, 39, 16. Be his ceápe according to the value of the (stolen) goods, Ll. Th. i. 132, 10. Cyning sceal mid ceápe cwéne gebicgan, búnum and beágum, Gu. Ex. 82. Gif man mægð gebigeð ceápi, Ll. Th. i. 22, 1. Crístene men ... Godes ágenne ceáp þe hé deóre gebohte, 304, 21. Þǽr hé his hláfordes ceáp (rem) werige, ii. 150, 5. Gif ceorl ceáp forstelð, and bireð intó his ærne, i. 138, 15. Þæt mon ǽlcne ceáp mehte be twiefealdan bet geceápian ut duplicia possessionum aliarumque rerum venalium pretia statuerentur, Ors. 5, 13; S. 248, 1. Ǽlc þára ceápa þe hé bigcge óðer sylle, Ll. Th. i. 274, 13. Ðonne his ceápa hwilcne man forstolenne (hæfð), Lch. i. 390, 17. Cf. iii. 60, 9. III a. property given as pledge :-- Tó ceápe (ceáce, v. l.) fordrífan (be-), Ll. Th. i. 140, 15: 142, 1, 5. Se cierlisca mon, sé þe oft betygen wǽre þiéfðe, and þonne æt síðestan synnigne man gefó in ceápe (ceáce, v. l.) and at last is caught offending when a pledge has been given for his good conduct (cf. (?) Omnes accusationibus ingravati sub plegio redigantur, 253, 23), 124, 23. III b. cattle, (live) stock :-- Ealra dúna ceáp jumenta in montibus, Ps. Th. 49, 11. Ceápes hierdas pastores pecorum, Past. 109, 4. Ceápes heorde gregarius, Nar. 18, 26. Be þæs ceápes (swine) weorðe, Ll. Th. i. 132, 16. Sum fearhrýþer þæs óþræs ceápes geférscipe oferhogode, Bl. H. 199, 4: Lch. iii. 56, 8. Benumene ǽgðer ge þæs ceápes ge þæs cornes, Chr. 895; P. 88, 17. On úrum wæstmum and on cwicum ceápe, Bl. H. 39, 20: Ll. Th. i. 197, 6: Cht. Th. 492, 22. Hié námon þone ceáp onbútan, Chr. 921; P. 101, 26. Sendan ádla on manna ceáp, Wlfst. 209, 29. Ceáp milcian, Lch. iii. 178, 30. On hrýþrum and on manigfealdum ceápum, Bl. H. 199, 2. v. lah-, teóþung-ceáp; or-ceápes, -ceápe; un-ceáp. ceap

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