
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - ceorl

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Dele first passage under II, and add: I. a man, male person :-- Ceorl mas, Wrt. Voc. ii. 58, 39. Ciorl vir, Kent. Gl. 1195. I a. poet, a (noble) man :-- Snotor ceorl monig, B. 908. Gomelum ceorle, 2444; 2972. Leóde míne þá sélestan, snotere ceorlas, 416: 202: 1591. I b. a (married) man, husband :-- Ceorl þe wíf hæfð maritus, Wrt. Voc. i. 73, 13. Ceorl uxorius, ii. 124, 26. Wearð forðféred sumes wífes ceorl ... and sæt ꝥ wíf ofer þám líchaman hire forðférdan ceorles, Gr. D. 215, 18: Gn. Ex. 97. Þú wilnast ceorles, Hml. S. 3, 396. Wǽron wydewan fornýdde on unriht tó ceorle, Wlfst. 158, 11. Ceorl maritum, An. Ox. 5166. Hæbbe ǽlc monn his wíf, and ǽlc wíf hiere ciorl, Past. 99, 12. Wóhhǽmed begangan mid óþerra ceorla wífum, Bl. H. 61, 14. II. a man of inferior class, peasant, rustic :-- Hwæt is þes ceorl (rusticus)?, Gr. D. 35, 2: 45, 24. Se mǽra landbegenga (St. Paul) underféng ðá hálgan gesomnunga tó plantianne, suá se ceorl déð his ortgeard, Past. 293. 4. Dúnhere, unorne ceorl (simple peasant), By. 256. Mon ðane chiorl slóh for ðan buccan, C. D. iii. 434, 21. Ceorla samnung compita, Wrt. Voc. i. 36, 32. Mid mycelre ceorla (rusticorum) mænigu, Gr. D. 213, 13. Eádwíg ceorla cyng, Chr. 1017; P. 155, 8. II a. ceorl is in contrast with eorl">where ceorl is in contrast with eorl :-- Eóde ánrǽd eorl tó þám ceorle, By. 132. Cuð þeódum gewelhwǽr, ceorlum and eorlum, Men. 31. II b. in contrast with þeów :-- Þá ofþúhte heora ceorlum (libertinis) þæt mon þá þeówas freóde, and hí nolde, Ors. 4, 3; S. 162, 16. II c. a layman :-- Swá mæssepreóst, swá munuc, swá ceorl (laicus), swá cempa, Coll. M. 31, 37. Swylce hit nán pleoh ne sý ꝥ se preóst libbe swá swá ceorl, Ll. Th. ii. 344, 18. þæt mæssepreóst lybbe his líf swá swá ceorl, Wlfst. 269, 29. II d. as a term of contempt? :-- Wæs Eaxeceaster ábrocen þurh þone Frenciscan ceorl Hugon (far ánes Frencisces ceorles ðingan Hugo hátte, ) through the French fellow, Hugh, Chr. 1003; P. 135, 5. III. the legal status of the ceorl is illustrated by the following passages :-- Gif on eorles túne man mannan ofslæhð .xii. scill. gebéte ... Ceorles mundbyrd .vi. scillingas, Ll. Th. i. 6, 9-12. Gesíðcund man gebéte .C. scill. Ceorlisc man gebéte .L. scill., 38, 4-7. Gesiðcund mon landágende geselle .cxx. scill. ... unlandágende .lx. scill. ... cierlisc .xxx. scill., 134, 8-10. Gif syxhyndum þissa hwæðer gelimpe þriefealdlíce áríse be þǽre cierliscan bóte; .xii.-hyndum men twyfealdlíce be þæs syxhyndan bóte, 88, 2-5: 9-11. Ceorles wergild is on Myrcna lage .cc. scill. Ðegnes wergild is syx swá micel, 190, 2. Cyninges þegn gilde .x. healfmarc; landagende .vi. healfmearc; ceorl .xii. ór., ii. 300, 10. v. beo-, hæmed-ceorl. ceorl

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