
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - cépan

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Add: I. to observe, notice. (1) with acc. :-- Zachéus cépte þæs Hǽlendes fær, Hml. Th. i. 580, 28. (2) with clause :-- Sé ðe his feóndum ofer sumne weall ætfleón wile, ðonne cépð hé hwǽr se weall unhéhst sý, Hml. Th. i. 484, 10. Þá hǽðenan cépton hwǽr se godspellere mæssode, Hml. S. 15, 49. I a. to keep, observe a season :-- Gé cépað dagas and mónðas dies observatis et menses, Hml. Th. i. 102, 18. II. cépan be to keep by. (1) trans. To regulate by :-- Hí cépað be ðám mónan heora fær and heora dǽda be dagum, Hml. Th. i. 100, 24. (1 a) with clause :-- Ne sceal nán man cépan be dagum on hwilcum dæge hé fare, Hml. S. 17, 92. (2) intrans. To regulate one's conduct by :-- Wé ne sceolan cépan ealles tó swýðe be swefnum, 21, 403. III. to take heed, be careful. (1) with gen. :-- Nýtenu etað swá ǽr swá hí hit habbað, ac se gesceádwísa man sceal cépan his mǽles, Hml. S. 16, 318. (2) with (negative) clause :-- Cépe gehwá ꝥ hé his líf on unnyt ne áspende, 12, 135. IV. to attend to, be concerned about, see after. (1) with gen. :-- Wé forlǽtað ðone líchaman, and cépað ðǽre sáwle, Hml. Th. i. 464, 7. Gif wé ðæs éces lífes cépað, ii. 464, 33. Þám þe ǽniges crístendómes cépað on heora lífe, Ælf. T. Grn. 14, 10. (2) with clause :-- Se deófol syrwð ymbe Godes gelaðunge, and cépð hú hé mage crístenra manna sáwla fordón, Hml. Th. i. 240, 1. V. to careabout, desire to have. (1) with gen.:--Hé lufaá ðá áteorigendlican edleán . . . Hé cépð þǽra sceatta, Hml. Th. i. 240, 18. Ne cépð nán man ðeórwyrðra reáfa búton for ýdelum gylpe, 328, 28. Ne cépð nán hungrig man nǽfre his gereordes ná swýðor þonne þá sceoccan dóð þǽre sáwle, Wlfst. 248, 23. Ne cép ðú swá swíðe þises middangeardes stylnysse, Hml. Th. ii. 392, 30. Ꝥ wé on gódum weorcum Godes lufe cépon, ná ídeles gylpes, Hml. S. 16, 362. (2) with acc.:--Hé cépte woruldlice herunga, Hml. Th. ii. 154, 29. VI. to be intent on an action, seek, desire to do. (1) with gen.:--Gif wé þæs cépað, Hml. Th ii. 356, 14. Ic ðá fleámes cépte I sought to fly, Hml. S. 7, 351. Ðý lǽs hé fleámes cépte ne aufugeret (Bd. 4, 22), Hml. Th. ii. 358, 2. Hí þóhton ꝥ hí hyne ofslógon, and swíþe þæs cépton, Hml. A. 66, 21: 71, 163. Hé wolde ðám biscope þances képan he would be very grateful to the bishop, C. D. vi. 184, 22. VII. to look out for, (1) a person (gen.):--Férde Martinus, and þæt folc his cépte, Hml. Th. ii. 506, 7. Rád Maurus tó þám lande, and his cépte sum beddryda, Hml. S. 6, 254. (1 a) with idea of hostility:--Þá cwelleras cépton ðǽra crístenra gehwǽr, Hml. S. 19, 18. Hét Syrian cyning his (Ahab) cépan, ꝥ hé ána feólle, 18, 217. Se cásere beád man swíðe georne sceolde cépan crístenra manna, 23, 48. (2) an object, to seek, (a) with gen.:--Heó bæd ꝥ heó faran móste, wolde swá cépan þǽra crístenra láre, Hml. S. 2, 30. (b) with clause:--Ðá hǽðenan cépton hú hí hine ácwealdon, Hml. S. 15, 48. Hé cépte symle hú hé cwémde Gode, 18, 36. VIII. to keep, hold prisoner:--Swá hwylcne swá ic cysse, cépað his sóna (tenete eum, Mt. 36, 48), Hml. Th. ii. 246, 11.

Verwandte Wörter: be-, ge-cépan. cepan
