
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - certes

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

íg, e;

f. CHERTSEY; Certesia :-- Hér [MS. hier] wurþan ða canonicas gedrifen út of ealdan mynstre fram Eádgáre cynge, and eác of niwan [MS. niwen] mynstre and of Certes íge, and of Mideltúine, and he sette ðárto munecas and abbodas: to niwan [MS. niwen] mynstre Ægel-gárum, to Certes íge Ordberhtum, to Mideltúne Cyneward here the canons were driven out of the old monastery [at Winchester] by king Edgar, and also from the new monastery, and from Chertsey, and from Milton, and he placed thereto monks and abbots: Æthelgar to the new monastery, Ordberht to Chertsey, [and] Cyneward to Milton, Chr. 964; Th. 223, 1-11.

Verwandte Wörter: Ceortes íg. certes
