Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - cyrce
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- cyrce
- gen. cyrcan, cyrcean; f. A church; ecclesia :-- Seó cyrce mid hire portice mihte fíf bund manna eáðelíce befón on hire rýmette the church with her porch could easily contain in its space five hundred men, Homl. Th. i. 508, 13: ii. 584, 3: 592, 22, Cyrcan duru a church's door, i. 64, 31. Grist is se grundweall ðære gástlícan cyrcan Christ is the foundation of the spiritual church, ii. 588, 22. Ne sceal cyrcean timber to ænigum óðrum weorce, húton to óðre cyrcean ligna ecclesiæ non debent ad aliud opus poni, nisi ad aliam ecclesiam, L. Ecg. P. A. 16; Th. ii. 234, 16, 17.