
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - defenas

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:


gen. a; dat. um; pl. m. Devonians, the inhabitants of Devonshire in a body, Devonshire; Devonienses, Devōnia :-- Hé wæs Weala gefeoht and Defena [Defna, Th. 110, 16] in this year [A. D. 823] there was a fight of the Welsh and Devonians, Chr. 823; Th. 111, 16, col. 1, 2. Ǽgðer ge on Defenum [Defnum, col. 2] ge welhwǽr be ðæm sǽriman both in Devon and elsewhere on the sea-shore, Chr. 897; Th. 176, 8, col. 1: 981; Th. 234, 31: 997; Th. 246, 5. Forþférde Ælfgár on Defenum Ælfgar died in Devonshire, Chr. 962; Th. 218, 38. defenas