
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - dǽl

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:


m. I. a part, portion, DEAL; pars, portio :-- Ðæs dæles se dǽl the part of the dale, Ors. 1, 3; Bos. 27, 29. Ðú offrast teóðan dǽl smedeman thou shalt offer a tenth deal of flour; offeres decimam partem similæ, Ex. 29, 36, 40. Hí heora gód on swá manige dǽlas todǽlaþ they divide their goods into so many parts, Bt. 33, 2; Fox 122, 26. Micel dǽl bewylledes wæteres on huniges gódum dǽle a great deal of boiled water in a good deal of honey, L. M. 2, 20; Lchdm. ii. 202, 27. Gódne dǽl a good deal, L. M. 2, 55; Lchdm. ii. 276, 6. Ðæs íglandes mycelne dǽl a great deal of the island, Chr. 189; Ing. 9, 11. Fæder, syle me mínne dǽl mínre ǽhte, ðe me to gebýreþ, Lk. Bos. 15, 12; fadir, gyue to me the porcioun of substaunce, that byfallith to me, Wyc. Be dǽle in part, partly, Chr. 1048; Erl. 178, 5. Sume dǽle in some part, partly, Cot. 154. II. a part of speech in grammar; pars orationis :-- Eahta dǽlas sind partes orationis sunt octo, Ælfc. Gr. 5; Som. 3, 22. Interjectio is betwyxaworpennyss. Se dǽl líþ betwux óðrnm wordum, and geswutelaþ ðæs módes styrunge an interjection is a throwing between. This part of speech lieth between other words, and denotes a stirring of the mind, 5; Som. 3, 55. III. a part of a sentence, a word; verbum :-- We todǽlaþ ða bóc to cwydum, and siððan ða cwydas to dǽlum, eft ða dǽlas to stæfgefégum we divide the book into sentences, and then the sentences into words [parts], again the words into syllables, Ælfc. Gr. 2; Som. 2, 37-39. [Prompt. dele: Wyc. deel: Piers P. del, deel: Chauc. del, delle: Laym. dæle, dal, del: Orm. dæl, dale, del: Scot. dail: Plat. deel: O. Sax. dél, deil, m: Frs. deel: O. Frs. del, m: Dut. deel, n: Kil. deel, deyl: Ger. theil, m: M. H. Ger. teil, m: O. H. Ger. teil, m. n: Goth. dails, f: Dan. deel, m. f: Swed. del, m: Icel. deill, m: Sansk. dal findere.] DER. eást-dǽl, niðer-, norþ-, súþ-, west-: or-dǽle. dæl