Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - dofere
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
Dofre, an;
- Dofere
- f. [Hunt. Douere, Doure: Sim. Dun. Kni. Dovere: Houd. Dowere: Brom. Dover: Thorn. Dovore: Wel. dwfr water] DOVER; Dubris, Dofris, is; f :-- His men cóman to Doferan his men came to Dover, Chr. 1050; Th. 313, 20, col. 2: 1051; Th. 317, 25, col. 2. On ðam ylcan geáre com Eustatius up æt Doferan in the same year Eustace landed at Dover, 1052; Th. 312, 26, col. 2: 1095; Th. 361, 21. He to Dofran gewende he went to Dover, 1048; Th. 313, 32, 34, 35, Col. 1; 315, 18, col. 1: 1052; Th. 319, 26, col. 1. dofere