Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - dréfan
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- part. dréfende; p. dréfde; pp. dréfed To disturb, agitate, disquiet, vex, trouble; commovēre, turbāre, conturbāre, tribulāre, contristāre :-- Uparǽr mód úre dréfende erĭge mentes nostras turbĭdas, Hymn. Surt. 127, 6. Ðonne ic wado dréfe when I disturb the waters, Exon. 103 a; Th. 389, 24; Rä. 8, 2. Ðú dréfst hí turbābis eos, Ps. Spl. 82, 14. For-hwý unrót eart sáwle mín, and for-hwon dréfst me quare tristis es anĭma mea, et quare conturbas me? Ps. Spl. 41, 6, 15: 42, 5. Dréfaþ conturbant, Mone B. 2613. Ne lagu dréfde it disturbed not the water, Exon. 106 a; Th. 404, 31; Rä. 23, 16. Ðæt ðú lagu dréfde that thou mightest disturb the water, Exon. 123 a; Th. 473, 26; Bo. 20. Gewát him on nacan, dréfan deóp wæter he departed in the bark, to agitate the deep water, Beo. Th. 3812; B. 1904. Hwý ge scylen eówer mód dréfan why should ye trouble your mind? Bt. Met. Fox 27, 3; Met. 27, 2. He to náhte gelǽdeþ ða dréfendan us ipse ad nihĭlum dedūcet tribulantes nos, Ps. Spl. 59, 13. To-hwý gemænigfylde synd ða ðe dréfaþ me quid multiplicāti sunt qui tribŭlant me? Ps. Sp1. 3, 1. For-hwí dréfe ge eówru mód why vex ye your minds? Bt. 39, 1; Fox 210, 24. For-hwý dréfed ic gange, ðonne swencþ me feónd quare contristātus incēdo, dum afflīgit me inimīcus? Ps. Spl. 41, 13. [Laym. i-drefeð, pp. disturbed; to-drefed, -dreved oppressed: Orm. dræfedd, dreofedd, drefedd disturbed, troubled: Plat. dröven: O. Sax. dróbian, druovan turbāri, conturbāre: Kil. droeven tristāri, turbāre: Ger. trüben: M. H. Ger. trüeben: O. H. Ger. truobjan: Goth. drobyan to trouble, confound: Dan. be-dröve: Swed. be-dröfva.] DER. ge-dréfan, to-: un-dréfed.