
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - drepan

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

ic drepe, ðú drepest, dripest, dripst, he, drepeþ, dripeþ, dripþ,

pl. drepaþ; p. ic, he drep, dræp, ðú drǽpe, pl. drǽpon; pp. drepen, dropen To strike; percŭtĕre :-- Ic sweorde drep ferhþgeníþlan I struck the deadly foe with my sword, Beo. Th. 5753; B. 2880. Ðonne biþ on hreðre, under helm drepen biteran strǽle then he will be stricken with the bitter shaft in the breast, beneath the helmet, Beo. Th. 3495; B. 1745. Wæs him feorh dropen his life was stricken, Beo. Th. 5955, note; B. 2981. [Plat. drëpen to hit: Dut. Ger. treffen: M. H. Ger. triffen: O. H. Ger. trefan tangĕre, percutĕre, pulsāre: Dan. dræbe to slay: Swed. dræpa to kill, slay: Icel. drepa to hit.] drepan