Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - dyrne
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- def. se dyrna, seó, ðæt dyrne; adj. I. close, hidden, secret, obscure; occultus, secrētus, latens, obscūrus :-- Ðá ðæt wíf geseah, ðæt hit [wíf] him næs dyrn when the woman saw that she [the woman] was not hid from him, Lk. Bos. 8, 47: Elen. Kmbl. 1443; El. 723: Menol. Fox 585; Gn. C. 62. Ne sceal dyrne sum wesan nothing shall be secret, Beo. Th. 548; B. 271. Ðýlæs ða smyltnesse ðæs dómes gewemme oððe se dierna [dyrna MS. Cot.] æfst oððe tó hræd ierre lest secret envy or too hasty anger corrupt the calmness of judgment, Past. 13, 2; Hat. MS. 17 a, 12. Draca hord eft gesceát, dryhtsele dyrnne the dragon darted back to his hoard, his secret hall, Beo. Th. 4629; B. 2320. Hie hafaþ in siofan innan dyrne wúnde they have within their mind a secret wound, Frag. Kmbl. 57; Leás. 30. Ne sindon him dǽda dyrne deeds are not hidden from him, Exon. 23 a; Th. 65, 5; Cri. 1050: 39 b; Th. 130, 12; Gú. 437: 39 b; Th. 131, 32; Gú. 464. Ne dó ðú ne dyrne ðíne ða deóran bebodu non abscondas a me mandāta tua, Ps. Th. 118, 19: 134, 6. II. dark, deceitful, evil; tenebrīcōsus, subdŏlus :-- Dyrne deófles boda wearp hine on wyrmes líc the devil's dark messenger changed himself into a worm's body, Cd. 24; Th. 31, 24; Gen. 490. Ðú mid ligenum fare þurh dyrne geþanc thou mayest come with lies through evil design, 26; Th. 34, 3; Gen. 532: Exon. 115 a; Th. 442, 13; Kl. 12. Sceal mǽg nealles inwit-net óðrum bregdan dyrnum cræfte a kinsman should not braid a net of treachery for another with deceitful craft, Beo. Th. 4342; B. 2168. He to forþ gestóp dyrnan cræfte he had stept forth with evil craft, 4569; B. 2290. Ides sceal dyrne cræfte hire freónd gesécan the woman shall with deceitful art seek her friend, Menol. Fox 547; Gn. C. 43. Dyrnra gásta of evil spirits, Beo. Th. 2718; 1357: Exon. 71 a; Th. 264, 22; Jul, 368. [Piers P. Chauc. derne secret: Laym. deorne, derne secret: Orm. dærne secret, hidden: O. Sax. derni secret: O. Frs. dern, dren in compounds occultus: O. H. Ger. tarni latens.] DER. un-dyrne. dyrne