
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - dysegian

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

dysigan, dysian;

part. dysigende, dysiende; he dysegaþ; p. ede, ode; pp. ed, od; [dysig foolish]. I. to be foolish, act foolishly, err; ineptīre, errāre :-- Ða, dysiende, wénaþ ðætte ðæt þing sió ǽlces weorþscipes wyrþe they, foolish, think that the thing is worthy of all estimation, Bt. 24, 4; Fox 86, 9. He dysegaþ, se ðe wile sǽd óþfæstan ðám dríum forum he does foolishly, who will sow seed in the dry furrows, 5, 2; Fox 10, 30. Ðæt ða dysegien that they are foolish, 24, 4; Fox 86, 9, MS. Bod. Ðæt hí on heortan hyge dysegedon hi errant corde, Ps. Th. 94, l0. II. to talk foolishly, blaspheme; blasphĕmāre :-- Manega óðre þing híg him to cwǽdon dysigende alia multa blasphĕmantes dicēbant in eum, Lk. Bos. 22, 65. He dysegaþ blasphĕmat, Mk. Bos. 2, 7. dysegian

Verwandte Wörter: intrans.
