
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - ge-lendan

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Add: I. to go to land from the water, to land:--Hí oferreówon ðone brym and gelendon on ðám lande þe is geháten Gerasenorum (enauigauerunt ad regionem Gerasenorum . . . et cum egressus esset ad terram, Lk. 8, 26-27), Hml. Th. ii. 378, 24. II. to go, proceed. (1) of persons:--Conon gelende tó Ahténa Conon Athenas pergit, Ors. 3, 1; S. 98, 23. Hé þóhte þæt hé on þá burgware on ungearwe becóme; ac hit him wearð ǽror cúþ . . . Þá gelende hé tó ánre óþerre byrig (castellum quoddam occupat), 4, 5; S. 166, 33. Gecwǽdon þæt þá hám gelendon eos Spartam remittunt, 1, 14; S. 56, 25. (2) of things. (a) material:--Nis nán tó þæs lytel ǽwelm ꝥ hé þá sǽ ne geséce, and eft of þǽre sǽ gelent in on þá eorþan there is nospring so small that it do not make its way to the sea, and again from the sea it goes into the earth, Bt. 24, 1; F. 80, 25. Ðæt scip . . . búton ðá rówend hit teón, sceal fleótan mid ðý streáme: ne mæg hit nó stille gestandan, búton . . . mon mid róðrum ongeán tió; elles hit gelent mid ðý streáme, Past. 445, 13. (b) non-material:--Ic wolde witan hwæðer ( = hwider?) þú wéne þæt se wísdóm þonne gelænde, oððe seó clénnes, . . . ðonne se man gewíte, oððe hwanon heó ǽr cumen, oððe hwǽr hý síen, Solil. H. 51, 6. ge-lendan