Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - ge-mearcian
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- ge-mearcian
- Add :-- Smát, gemaercode inpingit, Wrt. Voc. ii. 111, 57. Gemearcode inpingit vel signat, 45, 59. I. to fix by marks, mart out a site, way (lit. or fig. ), fix the boundaries of, plan :-- Þǽre ilcan niht þe mon on dæg hæfde þá burg mid stacum gemearcod, swá swá hié hié þá wyrcean woldon, wulfas átugan þá stacan úp cum mensores ad limitandum Carthaginensem agrum missi, stipites, terminorum indices fixos, nocte a lupis revulsos reperissent, Ors. 5, 5; S. 226, 18. Hé hæfð gemearcod ánne middangeard. Gen. 395. Þú hæfst yfele gemearcod uncer sylfra síð, 791. I a. to measure. Cf. míl-gemearc :-- Þæt þanon wǽre tó helle duru hund þúsenda míla gemearcodes, Sae. 724. II. to make a mark on :-- Hú Martirius gemearcode þone hláf, Gr. D. 86, 12. Ongset hé ꝥ se hláf næs ná gemearcod (signatus) . . . se hláf wæs geméted gemearcod mid Crístes róde tácne, 87, 7-23. Cain gewát morðre gemearcod (cf. Posuit Dominus Cain signum. Gen. 4, 15) mandreám fleón, B. 1264. II a. to mark a place so as to know it again :-- Hé þǽr tácen ásette and þá stówe gemearcode posito ibi signo, Bd. 3, 9 ; Sch. 231, 6. II b. to mark an object so that it may serve as an index. Take here ge-mearcod in Dict. , and add :-- Tó ðére gemearcodan æfsan, of ðére gemearcodan æfsan, C. D. B. ii. 358, 30. Andlang mærce tó ðára apoldre, þonon UNCERTAIN tó ðám gemearceden stocce, iii. 188, 36. III. to form by marks, describe a circle, portray, design :-- Hí ymh hine gemearcodon (designaverunt) ánne hring on ðǽre eorðan, Gr. D. 196, 27. Hé geseah ꝥ hálwænde tácen Crístes róde on myceles lióhtes brihtnesse ongeán him geset and gemearcod, H. R. 3, 23. Ic geann Eédríce ðæs swurdes ðe seó hand is on gemearcod, C. D. iii. 363, 21. IV. to mark, seal :-- Gemearcod signatus (fons), An. Ox. 3899. V. to make with the hand the sign of the cross on :-- Se apostol his eágan gemearcode mid þǽre hálgan róde, Hml. S. 29, 55. VI. to assign, appoint :-- Ne wearð wyrse dǽd monnum gemearcod, Gen. 595. Nis unc sceattes wiht tó mete gemearcod, 814. VII. to indicate in writing, note, record :-- Þá hí þis gehýrdon hí writon þone deg and gemearcodon ymbhigdiglíce quod illi audientes, sollicite conscripserunt diem, Gr. D. 306, 13. Wæs on þǽmscennum þurh rúnstafas rihte gemearcod, geseted and gesǽd, hwám ꝥ sweord geworht wǽre, B. 1695. Tó þeossum hálgum þe heora gemynd hér on gemearcude siendon, Gr. D. 2, 12. [O. Sax. gi-markón to design, determine; to note: O. H. Ger. ge-marchón constituere, decernere, terminare.] ge-mearcian