
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - ge-mynd[i]gian

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Add: I. to recall the memory of (gen. ) :-- Wé geedníwiað and gemyndgiað ðǽre scylde ðe úre ieldesta mǽg ús on for-worhte parentis primi lapsus iteratur, Past. 313, 15. II. to remember :-- Symble bið gemyndgad morna gehwylce eaforan ellorsíð, B. 2450. II a. to remember with kindness, compassion, & c. :-- Úre eáðmédu Drihten gemyndgade in humilitate nostra memor fuit nostri Dominus, Ps. Th. 135, 24. 111, to remind a person of something:-- Sió godcunde gemetgung his unmehta ðone man gemyndgað superna moderatio infirmitatis memoriam ad mentem revocat, Past. 465, 32. Ðæt his láreów hine suíðe lythwón gemyndgige his unðeáwa quod eis doctor mala sua saltem leniter ad memoriam reducit, 207, 4. IV. to preserve the memory of, commemorate :-- Hió ǽlce gére gemyndgien ðá tíde mínes forðsíðes, C. D. to make mention of. (1) with gen. :-- Nú ic þyses Alexandras gemyndgade Alexandri istius mentione commonitus, Ors. 3, 7 ; S. 110, 9. (2) with acc. :-- Ðió cuoen súðdǽles gemyndgade reginam austri commemorat, Lk. p. 7, 8. Ge-myndged is memoratur, p. 3, 13. VI. to think of :-- Ic on móde gemyndgade hú mé ǽrran dagas álumpan, metegade on móde þíne mǽran weorc, and ymbe þíne handgeweorc hogode memor fui dierum antiqworum, meditatus sum in operibus tuis, in factis manuum tuarum meditabar, Ps. Th. 142, 5. v. eft-gemynd(i)gian. ge-myndigian

Verwandte Wörter: 186, 8. V.
