Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - ge-seón
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For first two lines substitute: ge-seón, -sión, ic-seó, -sió, -sié, þú-sihst, -siehst, -syhst, -syxt, hé-sihþ, -siehð, -seohþ, -syhþ, -seóþ, pl. -seóþ, -sióþ; p. ic, hé -seah, -seh, þú-sáwe, -sége, pl. -sáwon, -ségon, -seágon, -sǽgon ; imp. -seoh, -seah, pl. -seóþ; subj. prs. ic-seó, -sió, -sié ; p. -sáwe, -sége; pp. -sewen, -seowen, -segen, -seogen, -sawen (-sáw- ?). Northern and Mercian forms: ge-seá, -seán, -sión, ic -seóm, -sióm, -siúm, þú -siist, -síst, -seǽs, hé -siið, -siis, -síþ, -sís ; pl. -seáþ, -siáþ, -seás ; p. ic, hé -sæh, -sægh, -seh, þu -sége, pl. -ségon, -sǽgon ; imp. -sæh,-sægh, -seh, -sech, -sih, pl. -seaeþ, -siáþ; subj. prs. -sé, -see, -sié, -sii,pl. sén; p. -sége ; part. prs. -siónde, -siénde, -séende, -segende ; pp. -segen, -segn, -séen To see.
- ge-seón
- Add :-- Þú gesége crevisti, geseah crevit, Wrt. Voc. ii. 20, 54, 55. I. to have the faculty of vision, to exercise that faculty. (l) literal :-- Ne gesyhþ sé nǽfre he will remain blind for ever. Bl. H. 153, 22. Hé sóna geseh he at once recovered his sight, 15, 27. Láreów, ꝥ ic geseó (gesii, L., gisié, R. ) Lord, that I might receive my sight (A. V.), Mk. 10, 51. Hí his eágan ástungon . . . eft Gode fultomiendum hé meahte geseón. Chr. 797 ; P. 56, 12. Beóð onforan eágan, ne magon geseón, Ps. Th. 113, 13. Mihte he mid þan óþron eágan geseón. Guth. 98, 4. (2) figurative :-- Ðú gesiist (-sihst, R.) geworpe ðone mot, Mt. L. 7, 5. Fader ðín gesiið (-syhð, W.S., -síð, R.) in dégelnisse, 6, 4. Ne sciolon geseá (ne geseóþ, W.S., R.), 13, 13. II. trans. To see a material object, (l) with acc. :-- Ic gesié heofonas videbo caelos, Ps. Srt. 8, 4. Gif þú gesyxt (-sihst, ) wulfes spor ǽr þonne hyne, Lch. i. 360, 19. Ðú gesíst, Mt. p. 12, 4. Þ UNCERTAIN folc wundrað þæs þe hit seldost gesiehð, Bt. 39, 3; S. 126, 22. Geseohð, 41, 1; S. 141, 18. Ic þé mínum eágum geseah, Gen. 820. Mon gewundodne monn ne geseah. Bt. 15 ; F. 48, 16. Hig gesáwon (-ségon, -seágon, v.ll.) ǽnne weg, Mart. H. 44, 18. Gesǽgon, El. 68. (l a) where the subject is inanimate :-- Þé gesáwon ýþa. Ps. Th. 76, 13. (l b) where seeing implies life :-- Hí sunnan ne geseóð syððan ǽfre, Ps. Th. 57, 7. (l c) irregular constructions :-- Hé geseah swá swá scínende sunne he saw what looked like sunshine, it seemed to him as if the sun were shining. Hml. S. 23 b, 741. Þǽr geláðe mid him leng ne mihton geseón tósomne (they could not keep in sight of one another ?); síð wæs gedǽled, Exod. 207. ¶ the past participle is used to form the passive, but also as an adj. governing dat. of person, (a) as passive or uncertain :-- Wunderleca nǽdran wǽron gesewene (-seogene, v.l.) on Súþ-Seaxna londe, Chr. 773; P. 50, 22. (b) as adj. , visible to :-- Þonne biþ ús gesawen (-sewen, v.l.) þæt ús ǽr gesǽd wæs. Wlfst. 3, 17. Ing wæs ǽrest mid Eást-Denum gesewen secgum, Rún. 22. (2) with acc. and infin. :-- Þú gesihst weallas blícan, Sal. 234. Hé freán gesihð faran, Cri. 925. Mon geseah hine hreófe clǽnsian, Bl. H. 177, 15. Þǽr hé þæt wíf geseah stondan, Gen. 547: Ho. 50. Geseah hé rinca manige swefan, B. 728. Swá ic ǽfre ne geseah ǽnigne mann þé gelícne steóran, An. 493. Hé hine geseah on singalum gebedum beón ábysgadne, Bd. l, 7; Sch. 20, 2. (3) with acc. and complementary adj. (ptcpl.) in nom. or acc. :-- Ic þé geseah murciende, Bt. 5, I ; F. 8, 28. Gé geseóþ grówende eorþan wæstmas. Bl. H. 59, 2. Hí geseóð egefulne þone ðe hí eádmódne forhygedon, Hml. Th. i. 300, 19. Hyne nán man yrre (yrne?) geseah ne ungeornfulne tó Crístes þeówdóme, Guth. 92, 23 : Gú. 1026. Mon geseah hine blinde onlýhtende, Bl. H. 177, 15. Hé geseah Símón fleógendne, 189, i. Wé geségon windas and wǽgas forhte gewordne, An. 455. Dó þú ðá lǽcedómas swilce þú þá líchoman gesié, Lch. ii. 84, 15. Ǽr hé geseó his wíf and his bearn sweltende, Bt. 10; F. 28, 39. Þ UNCERTAIN hí gesáwon mannes blód ágoten, Ors. l, 2 ; S. 30, 9. Hí gefégon þæs þe hí hyne gesundne geseón móston, B. 1628: 1998. Wǽron geseowene (-sawenæ, v.l.) fýrene dracan on þám lyfte fleógende, Chr. 793; P. 55, 34. (3 a) with complementary phrase :-- Hé geseah þone hálgan wer swá unrótes módes. Guth. 80, 14. (4) with infin. and its object :-- Ic láfe geseah mínum hláforde beran, Rä. 57, 10. Heó geseh niman hyre cild, Hml. Th. i. 146, 10. (5) the object a clause :-- Ic mæg heonon geseón hwǽr hé sylf siteð, Gen. 666. III. the object an event, action, a condition, &c. , where visible effects are produced in a material body, to see, be witness of. (l) with acc. (noun, or pronoun referring to a noun or to a clause) :-- Þæt synfull gesyhð, Ps. Th. 111, 9. Þ UNCERTAINte gesiis (gisæh, R., geseah, W.S.), þ getrymeð quod vidit, hoc testatur, Jn. L. 3, 32. Þára rícra manna unþeáwas manige men geseóþ, Bt. 27, I ; F. 94, 27. Hí ofsleáþ þá áwergdan . . . þonne geseóþ ealle gesceafta úres Drihtnes mihte, þeáh hié nú mennisce men oncnáwan nellan, Bl. H. 95, 9. Ic gesæh unrehtwísnisse in cestre, Ps. Srt. 54, 10. Þú gesége fyrenfulra wíte, Ps. Th. 90, 8. Þæt folc þis wundor geseah, Bl. H. 15, 29. Símón wearþ fǽringa geong cniht, and sóna eft eald man . . . þá Nerón ꝥ geseah, Bl. H. 175, 6. Hí mín sylfes weorc gesáwon mid eágum, Ps. Th. 94, 9. Geségon, Cri. 1154. Hí ꝥ oncnáwan ne mihton ꝥ hié þǽr gesáwon, Bl. H. 105, 29. Gesáwun (geségon l geséende, L., gességon, R. ), Mt. 26, 8. Þá hig gesáwon (geséende, L., geségnn, R. ) þá eorþbifunge, 27, 54. Geseón morðorbealo mága, B. 1078. Sibbe synfulra gesiende, Ps. Srt. 72, 3. Him þæt wundra mǽst gesewen þúhte it seemed to him the greatest wonder seen, Go. 1101. (2) with a clause :-- Sé ðe mon gesihð ðæt stronglic weorc wyrcð, Bt. 16, 3; F. 54, 28. Geseó wé þæt oft gelimpeþ ꝥ . . . , Bl. H. 125, 9. Hié geseóð hú God þá stówe weorþaþ, 129, 25. Fyrd geseah hú hlifedon seglas, Exod. 88. Hé geseah þæt gé . . . wíte legdon, Gú. 684. Wé gesáwon þæt . . . , Dan. 474. Eágan míne gesáwon hú ýða gelaac . . . gangeð, Ps. Th. 118, 136. IV. where a fact (stated in a clause) is realized by means of the eyes, to know from ocular evidence :-- Ic geseó ꝥ þás bróþor synd geswencede, Bl. H. 233, 25. Ic on his gearwan geseó þæt hé is ǽrend-secg, Gen. 657. Ðú gesyhst þæt ic swá dyde, Ps. Th. 58, 4. Geréfa mín . . . geseóð þæt mé of brýde bearn ne wócon, Gen. 2184. Wé gesióð þætte heofonsteorran ealle efenbeorhte ne scínað, Met. 20, 231. Hé geseah ꝥ hié nǽnige bóte dón noldan, Bl. H. 79, 7. Eówer fela geseah þæt wé þrý sendon, Dan. 412. Sóna gesáwon ceorlas þæt wæs brim blóde fáh, 3. 1591. Dryhten forðlócað ofer bearn monna þæt hé gesié hwæðer sié ongietende oððe soecende God, Ps. Vos. 13, 2. Ne magon gé gesión ꝥ hé spyraþ æfter fuglum?, Bt. 39, l; F. 210, 28. Geseón, Gen. 611. Hé mæg geseón, þonne hé on þæt sinc starað, þæt ic gódne funde beága bryttan, B. 1485. Magon wé geseón and oncnáwan and swíþe gearelíce ongeotan ꝥ þisses middangeardes ende swíþe neáh is, Bl. H. 107, 22. Hé wæs geseónde þæt seó bǽr wæs gesigefæsted, 151, 8. V. to turn the eyes or mind to an object, look at, observe, notice, regard. (l) physical (or figurative) :-- Tó hwí gesihst þú (gesiistú, L., gesihstú, R.) ꝥ mot on þínes broðor eágan, and þú ne gesyhst (geseǽs, R.) þone beám on þinum ágenum eágan ?, Mt. 7, 3. Æghwilc þára þe gesihþ (gesís, L.) wíf tó gítsanne, Mt. R. 5, 28. Rǽre úp þín heáfod and geseoh þis ꝥ Simón déþ, Bl. H. 187, 35 : 241, 32. Ácer égan mín ðæt hié ne gesén ídelnisse, Ps. Srt. 118, 37. Hé biþ þám yflum egeslic tó geseónne he will be awful f or the evil to look at, Crl. 920. (2) mental :-- Dryhten gesyhð þá eádmédu Dominus humilia respicit, Ps. Th. 112, 5. Mín eádmédu geseah vide humilitatem meam, 118, 153. Smeá and geseoh (gesægh, L., gisih, R.) scrutare et uide, Jn. 7, 52. Geseoh, An. 1283. Gesæh (lóca, W.S.) in hú miclum ðeh áhénas, Mk. L. R. 15, 4. Geseóð hú cyme weorc Drihten worhte, Ps. Th. 65, 4. Gesegende (séende, R., lóciende, W.S.) ne sciolon geseá, Mt. L. 13, 13. Wæs hé mid þǽre godcundan gife gesewen (-sawen, v.l.) and gemildsod diuina gratia respectus, Bd. I. 7 ; Sch. 20, 5. VI. to see a person or place. (l) to visit, have personal communication with a person :-- Eft ic eów geseó (gesiúm l gesié, L., gesióm, R.), Jn. 16, 22. Hí God geseóð (geseás, L.), Mt. 5, 8: Bl. H. 13, 27. Ic wát hé mé bebeád, þá ic hine néhst geseah, Gen. 536. Hé mæg geseón sweglcyning, 2658 : Ph. 675. Nú gé móton gangan Hróðgár geseón, B. 396. (2) to visit, go to a place :-- Þæt ic líf æfter óðrum geseó and geséce that I go to another world after this one; Hy. 4, 31. Gewiton him þá wígend wíca neósian, Frysland geseón, B. 1126. VII. to see with the mind's eye :-- Gif hwelc mon mæge gesión ðá birhtu þæs heofonlican leóhtes mid hlúttrum eágum his Módes hanc quisquis poterit notare lucem, Bt. 34, 8; F. 146, 2. (l) to see, observe, notice, (a) with acc. :-- On him Dryhten gesihð firenbealu, Cri. 1275. Sum spearca sóþfæstnesse ðára þe ðe wit ǽr ne gesáwon, Bt. 35, 5 ; F. 164, 3. Geseón on him selfum synne genóge, Cri. 1265: 1314. Wénaþ þá dysigan ꝥ ǽlc mon sié blind swá hí sint, and ꝥ nán mon ne mæge seón (gesión, v.l.) ꝥ hí gesión ne magon, Bt. 38, 5 ; F. 206, 21. Þæs ðe mé geþúht is and ic gesewen hæbbe ut ego mihi videor perspexisse, Bd. I. 25 ; Sch. 55, 5. (b) with acc. and infin. :-- Gesihð hé þá dómas wonian, Gú. 27. (2) to see, learn by examination or inquiry, find out :-- Geseoh gif ic on swiculne weg eóde, Ps. Th. 138, 21. Ðæt ic gesé willan Dryhtnes, Ps. Srt. 26, 4. Hé heora þearfe forgeaf, oð þæt hé gesáwe hwæt hé him dón wolde, Bd. I. 25 ; Sch. 53, 3. (2 a) to read in a narrative :-- Þá geseah ic þá gedriht in gedwolan lifgan, Dan. 22. (3) to come to know, have certain knowledge of :-- Hér wearð Eádwine cining ofslagan . . . and hí fordydan eall Norðhymbra land. Þá ꝥ Paulinus geseah, Chr. 633; P- 25. 33-37. Þás þing geseónde, 1087; P. 223, 15. (4) to know by clear evidence a fact (stated in a clause) :-- Ic geseóm (gisióm, R., mé þyncð, W.S.) ꝥte ðú arð uítga, Jn. 4, 19. Ic geseó ꝥ ðé is nú frófre máre ðearf þonne unrótnesse, Bt. 3, 3; F. 6, 15. Hé geseah (-sægh, L.) ꝥ hé wæs áwǽged, Mt. R. 2, 16: Gen. 1270. Geseóð þæt ic ána eom, Deut. 32, 39. Gesiáð, Ps. Srt. ii. p. 196, 7. Wé woldun þú gesáwe þæt. . . , Gú. 439. Geseón hwæðer him mon sóð þe lyge sagað, Cri. 1307. ¶ in the passive, to seem; videri :-- Þæs þe mé geþúht and gesawen is, Bd. l, 25 ; Sch. 55, 4. Þæt hé þám cúðum and þám uncúþum wæs gelíce gesegen ita ut extra humanam naturam notis ignotisque esse videretur, Guth. Gr. 170, 177 : 163, 40. Huæt ðé gesegen is (þincþ, W.S., ðynceð, R.) quid tibi videtur?, Mt. L. 17, 25. Þ UNCERTAIN geséen bið hæfis quod videtur habere, 25, 29. Þá þe hiora andlyfene needþearfiico gesawen wǽron (uidebantur), Bd. l, 26; Sch. 57, 4. VIII. to experience, meet with, feel :-- 'Ic sende tó þé Andreas, and hé þé út álǽt.' Swá mé Drihten tó cwæþ, ic gesié (I experience just what the Lord said I should], Bl. H. 237, 36. For hwon wást þú weán, gesyhst sorge ?, Gen. 877. Geseóð sorga mǽste synfá men sárig-ferðe, Cri. 1082. Blǽdes and blisse þe hý geseóð, 1257. Wǽre hié fundon, wuldor gesáwon, hálige heáhtreówe, Exod. 387. Hí bóte gesáwon, 582. Ðú gesee ðá gód sind, Ps. Srt. 127, 5. Geseán gebrosnunge videre corruptionem, 15, 10. Gesián dægas góde, 33, 10. Swegldreámas geseón, Cri. 1349. IX. intrans. To look on :-- Þá mé on fægere geseóð videbunt me, Ps. Th. 118, 74. Þǽr hí on gesáwon ealle in conspectu omnium, 105, 35. Geseoh on mé respice in me, 68, 16. Hé wæs geseónde on norðanweardne þisne middangeard, Bl. H. 209, 30. X. to take care that something is (or is not) done :-- Gesih (warna, W.S.) ðú ꝥ nǽnigum menn ðú coeðe, Mk. L. R. l, 44. Lóca l geseh (gesech, R. ), Mt. L. 8, 4. Geseáð (geseaeþ, R., warniaþ, W.S.) ꝥte nán nyte videte ne quis sciat, 9, 30. Geseóð gé ꝥ hé ǽrestcymeð procurate ut ipse prior adueniat, Bd. 2, 2 ; Sch. 117, 10. XI. to regard as, look upon as :-- Ne hí for áwyht eorþan cyste þá sélestan geseón woldan et pro nihilo habuerunt terram desiderabilem, Ps. Th. 105, 20. [Goth, ga-saihwan: O.Sax. gi-sehan: O.H.Ger. ge-sehan.] v. un-geseónde, un-gesewen, -gesawen. ge-seon