Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - ge-settan
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- ge-settan
- Add: [The participle of ge-sittan seems used in Lk. p. 9, 6 :-- Geseteno posita; and in Lk. L. 22, 41 :-- Gesetnum positis.] I. to set, put, place, lay :-- Ðá gesettan inditas, Wrt. Voc. ii. 111, 38 ; 48, 82. (l) to move a material object to a position of rest :-- Geseton him ꝥ ród imposuerunt illi crucem, Lk. L. 23, 26. Þ UNCERTAIN hond him gesette hé (imponeret), Mt. L. 19, 13. Þ UNCERTAINte hiá gesetta (ponerent) before hiá, Mk. L. R. 6, 41. Gisette (gesete, L. ), Lk. R. 9, 16. Acas tó wyrtrumma geseted (posita), Mt. L. 3, 10. Þ UNCERTAIN;te ðæccilla under mitta gesetted (giseted, R.) bið (ponatur), Mk. L. 4, 21. Hé gesæh ðá hrægla gesettedo. Lk. L. 24, 12. Gisetedo (gesattedo, L.), Jn. R. 20, 6. (Ia) of burial :-- Sum bysceop on þá cyrcan þone lýchaman gesette. Shrn. 152, 6. Þ UNCERTAIN hié woldon his bán on níwe cyste gedón and on þǽre ylcan stówe bufan eorðan gesettan and gestaþolian (locarent), Bd. 4, 30; Sch. 534, 6. Biheóldun hwér wére giseted (gesettet, L.), Mk. 15, 47. Gesetted, Jn. L. 19, 41. (i b) to lay up, store :-- Ðú hæfes monig góda gisetedo, Lk. R. 12, 19. (i c) with idea of violence :-- Hé gesette hine on fetera, Hml. S. 21, 415. (2) to put in position, fix in place, plant a tree :-- God ealle tungla geset dedit sidera coelo, Bt. 30, 2; F. 110, 12. Þú sǽgesettest tu confirmasti mare, Ps. Th. 73, 13: Cri. 1165. Steorran hé geworhte, and gesette (posuit) on þǽre heofenan, Gen. I. 17 : Hml. Th. i. 100, 9. Twégen beámas God handum gesette, Gen. 463. Tree hæfde sum man gesetet, Lk. L. 13, 6. Wræðstuðu þám wáge tó wreþe geseted, Bd. 3, 17 ; Sch. 269, 23. (3) of a building, town, &c., to set, situate, place, found :-- Hé gesette ðá grundas ofer carr . . . ꝥ hús gesettet (fundata) wæs onufa carr, Lk. L. 6, 48. Burug ofer mór geseted. Mt. L. 5, 14: Bl. H. 197, 21. Is seó cirice geseted on þǽm cnolle, 17. Þaet mynster is geseted in Huicca maegðe, C. D. i. 114, 14. (4) to place, determine the position (lit. or fig.) in a series of objects :-- Gesette praeposuit (omnibus virtutum gradibus in catalogo), An. Ox. 344. In endebrednise forðmest geseted is Mattheus in ordine primus ponitur, Mt. p. 12, 8. (5) fig. to put in a certain relation, subject to a condition :-- Ealle heé hí oððe wið feó gesealde, oððe on his ágenre hand heóld and tó gafle gesette, Chr. noo ; P. 235, 28. I a. where the object is non-material :-- Sunes noma ðǽm feder eftginíwes l gesetes filii nomen patri restituens, Mt. p. 13, 4. Þú on ús sáwle gesettest. Met. 20, 177. Hé þá þing stafum áwrát and on béc gesette ea litteris mandando, Bd. 4, 18 ; Sch. 437, 13. Bíspell gesætte parabolam exponit, Mk. p. 3, 4. Hí gesettan (added) to godcundan rihtlagan worldlaga, Ll. Th. i. 334, 22. Geseton alle ðáðe gehérdon in heorta hiora, Lk. L. l, 66. Gesetteð ponite, 21, 14. Þisse worlde ende gesettan, Bl. H. 117, 28: Gü. 995. His sáuel ꝥ hé walde gesete suam animam positurum, Jn. p. 6, 3. Wæs on þǽm scennum þurh rúnstafas geseted (placed on record) hwám þæt sweord geworht wǽre, B. 1696. Hé tó heofenum lócade þyder his módgeþanc á geseted wæs, Bl. H. 227, 17. Þá gesǽlþa þe gé oninnon eów habbaþ geset, Bt. 11, 2; F. 34, 5. Hé hæfþ heora mearce swá gesette, 21; F. 74, 27. II. to cause a person to take a position, (l) local, (a) to post, station :-- Þone foregengan hé wið ealdorgewinnum gesette, Gü. 506. Hé gesette twá folc diégellíce on twá healfa his, Ors. 4, 6 ; S. 174, 32. Þá foreweardas wǽron feor ðǽm fæstenne gesette, 4, 10; S. 200, 12. (b) to place, settle permanently :-- Se bisceop þǽr gesette góde sangeras, Bl. H. 207, 31. On þǽm londe hé heora fela gesette (habitare praecepit), Ors. 3, 5 ; S. 104, 26. Hié hiene þǽr gesetton, 5, 2; S. 218, 28. (bb) figuratively :-- Wé under gyfe gesette nos sub gratia positi, An. Ox. 40, 10. (2) of official position, office, duty, to place in a position of authority :-- Ofer eall ꝥ hé áh hé hyne gesett (-setteþ, R., constituet], Mt. 24, 47. Geset (settes, L., -setes, R.), Lk. 12, 42. Hié gesetton Hannonan ofer hiora scipa Annonem navali prelio praefecerunt, Ors. 4, 6 ; S. 172, 12. (2 a) gesettan tó, (α) to make king, &c., appoint :-- Hé gesette his sunu tó cininge, Ælfc. T. Grn. 7, 28 : Chr. 1097 ; P. 235, 15. Hé hié tó gafolgieldum gesette he made them tributaries, Ors. 4, 6; S. 176, 22. Gesete him synfulle tó ealdrum constitue super eum peccatorem, Ps. Th. 108, 5. (β) to appoint to a title, give the title of :-- Hé gesette Eugenium tó þǽm ríces noman ꝥ hé casere wǽre legit hominem cui titulum imperatoris inponeret, Ors. 6, 36; S. 294, 12. (γ) to set to the doing of something. (γ I) with noun implying action :-- Þú gesettest þíne apostolas tó mínre byrgenne, Bl. H. 143, 29. Mec gesette Críst tó compe, Rä. 7,Hé gesette Theodosius him tó fultume, Ors. 6, 35 ; S. 292, 6. Hé gesette his sunu tó þǽm onwalde filium suum caesarem legit, 6, 22 ; S. 274, 5. Ilirice gesetton Ueteromonem tó hiora anwealde Vetranionem imperatorem sibi creaverunt, 6, 31 ; S. 284, 19. (γ 2) with gerund :-- Hé gesette heáfodmenn tó gehealdenne ꝥ folc, Hml. S. 25, 403. (γ 3) with pronoun and clause :-- Hé wæs tó ðon geset þæt hé sceolde stúpian . . . officii sortitus, ut acclinis . . . , Ors. 6, 23; S. 274, 24. (2 b) with clause giving the office :-- Hiene mon gesette þæt hé wæs hiérra þonne consul dictator creatus, Ors. 5, 12 ; S. 242, 28. Punice gesetton Hannibalem þæt hé mid scipum wunne Hannibalem a Carthaginibus classi praepositus, 4, 6 ; S. 172, 25. (2 c) with complementary noun :-- Hé wearð geset cumena ðén, Hml. Th. ii. 136, 23. (2 d) to put into, or out of an office, state, &c. :-- Hi rǽddon swá ꝥ hi woldon þone cyíig gesettan út of Englelandes cynedóme they decided to depose the king, Chr. 1075 ; P. 210, 12. Hé gesette on sácerðhád Iudas, El. 1055. Wæs eft geseted in aldordóm Babilone weard he was restored to power, Dan. 641. (2 e) to cause to assume an attitude of mind, as in to set a person against :-- Hé wæs on fóre geseted. Hml. S. 23 b, 156. Wæs se fruma fæstlic geseted wið synnum, Gú. 746. III. to assign something to a person, allot, appoint. (l) of human agency :-- Gesettan destinare (hoc opuscidum vobis], An. Ox. 5427. Ne dó gé náht máre þonne ꝥ eów geset (-seted, R., -setted, L., constitutum) is, Lk. 3, 13. (2) of the Deity :-- Ǽlcum ðú gesettest his ágene sunderstówe, Bt. 33, 4; F. 128, 30: Hy. 7, 21. Hé gesette unáwendedlicne sido and þeáwas eallum his gesceaftum, 21 ; F. 72, 32: Met. ii. 21: Az. 115: Gen. 1684. God þæt wíte tó wrece gesette. Sat. 494. Hé wile eallum wísfæstum gesceaftum ecn[e] dóm gesetton. Bl. H. 121, 20. Of ðám ryne þe him geset is, Bt. 21; F. 74, 5 : 21 : Met. II, 56. Geseted, Sae. 678. Hú þæs gástes síd æfter swyltcwale geseted wurde, An. 156. IV. to occupy, (l) land for cultivation :-- .xii. hida gesettes landes, Ll. Th. i. 144, 6:9. (l a) to occupy with cultivators :-- Hé gesett (-seteþ. R.) hys wíngeard myd óðrum tilion, Mt. 21, 41. Hú þis land wǽre gesett oððe mid hwylcon mannum, Chr. 1085 ; P. 216, 16. (l b) to plant ; -- Nóe yrðling began tó wircenne þæt land and gesette (plantavit) wíneard, Gen. 9, 10: Mt. L. 21, 33. Gesetton plantabant, Lk. L. R. 17, 28. (2) to occupy with inhabitants :-- Hí gesetton Sennar leófum mannum, Gen. 1655. Gesettan heofena ríce mid hlúttrum sáwlum, 396 : 364. Sceal fromcynne folde þíne geseted wurðan, 2205. Þæt eorðe and úproder and síd wæter geseted wurde woruldgesceatte, 100. (2 a) to occupy a conquered land or place :-- Ðý ilcan geáre gesette Ælfréd cyning Lundenburg, Chr. 886 ; P. 80, 10. Se here . . . geridan Westseaxna land and gesetton, 878 ; P. 75, 26. Gesettan on hyra sylfra dóm wuldres wynlond, Mod. 64. (2 aa) to occupy with people :-- Hé ealle þá londbígengan wolde út ámǽran, and his (mid his, ) ágenra leóda mannum gesettan, Bd. 4, 16; Sch. 425, 5. (2 b) to garrison :-- Bútan þám castelan ðe wǽron gesætte mid þæs cynges manna, Chr. iioo ; P. 236, 33. (3) to possess :-- Þú gesettyst possedisti, Ps. Spl. C. 138, 12. Þæt hí hálignesse Godes gesettan haereditaie possideamus nobis sanctuarium Dei, Ps. Th. 82, 9. (4) of material, to occupy space :-- þæs dæges godspel is eal mǽst mid háligra manna naman geset, Hml. Th. ii. 466, 23. V. to decree, ordain :-- Wé gesettað sancimus, An. Ox. 419. Gesettan sancxerunt, 1967 : 5138. (l) with a clause :-- Hió gesette (praecepit) þæt nán forbyrd nǽre æt geligere betwuh nánre sibbe, Ors. l, 2 ; S. 30, 34. Se cyng gesette (instituit) ꝥ se Englisca ládige hine mid írene, Ll. Th. i. 489, 20. Hié gesetton ꝥ . . . , 58, 5. Rómáne hæfdon níwlíce gesett þæt þá móston ǽgþer habban ge feorh ge freódóm, Ors. 4, 10; S. 202, 27. (l a) with pronoun and clause in apposition :-- Hié ꝥ gesetton, ꝥ hé . . . swungen wǽre . . . , Bl. H. 193, 3. (2) with noun :-- Hié on seonoðum monegra misdǽda bóte gesetton, Ll. Th. i. 58, 15 : 166, 13. Seó gerǽdnes þe hí gesetton, 352, 2. Ealle ðá ðing be Godes mynstran ðá wǽron gesett be Wihtgáres dæge, Chr. 796; P. 56, 29. Ðá se seonoð geset (-seted, v.l.) wæs quod cum esset statutum, Bd. 2, 2 ; Sch. 116, 3. ¶ of divine decrees :-- Hé ús gesette ; ꝥ wé hine biddan sceoldan, Bl. H. 21, 3. Dómas swá hié God gesette, 81, 5 : Gú. 29. Godcundlice þus gesettan geban diuina taliter sancserunt edicta, i. decreta, An. Ox. 1301. Riht gesettan legem promulgare, 1305. VI. to settle, fix. (l) to fix an amount :-- Hí þæt feoh gesetton on ðrittig scillingum, Hml. Th. ii. 242, 18. Hí ꝥ gyld gesettan wið þone here, Chr. 1016; P. 152, 27. (2) to fix a time, fix the date of :-- Þá tíde þá þe Fæder gesette, Bl. H. 117, 24. Gesetton hálige fæderas þá tíd þæs fæstenes foran tó Crístes þrowunga, 27, 24. Gesetton cyricena aldoras ꝥ fæsten foran tó his þrowunga, 35, 6. Tó gesetton dæge gelǽste hé ꝥ hé ǽr sceolde, Ll. Th. i. 260, 14. Hé hiora (Easter) gesetton tíde nyste canonicum eius tempus ignorans, Bd. 3, 17 ; Sch. 272, 3. (3) to settle a plan, determine to do :-- Þá gesetton hí fæstlíce fore unmǽtnesse þæs gewinnes ꝥ hí forléte þá getimbro statuerunt ob nimietatem laboris structuram relinquere, Bd. 3, 8; Sch. 225, 20. VII. to put together, compose, constitute :-- Gesette condidit, Wrt. Voc. ii. 104, 36. Gesettan conderunt, 16, 7. Edite, i. renate, renouate, reparate, constitute vel gesettaþ, Wülck. Gl. 226, JO. (l) to form, construct, create, make, (a) of material things :-- Oft wíc beóþ on manegum stówum medmyccle gesetteoften villages are in many places made small, Bl. H. 77, 24. (b) of non-material things :-- Þæt hé (Joseph) his ealdormen ealle iǽrde, swá hé his sylfes mód geseted hæfde ut erudiret principes suos sicut seipsum, Ps. Th. 104, 18. ¶ of the operations of the Deity :-- On ðám feórðan dæge gesette se Ælmihtiga ealle tungla. Hml. Th. i. 100, 9. Ealle gesceafte hé gesette on siex dagum, Gú. 22. Hé ealle gesceafta gesette (cf. gelógode, 286, 13) on ðrím ðingum, ꝥ is on gemete and on getele and on hefe, Hml. Th. i. 102, 33 : Angl. viii. 299, 13. Ǽr middaneard gesett wæs ante constitutionem mundi, Jn. 17, 24. Gesett hæfde hé hié swá gesǽliglice, Gen. 252. (l a) to compound a draught :-- Hé wæs lǽcecræftig; hé gesette gódne morgendrænc wið eallum untrumnessum, Lch, iii. 70, 17. (1 b) to form, make up the requisite number for, complete :-- Hí gesetton þá gifta endemes (impleiae sunt nuptiae discumbentium, Mt. 22, 10), Hml. Th. i. 526, 13. (l c) to create an officer :-- Gesetton Rómáne II cáseras duo Imperatores creati sunt, Ors. 6, 23; S. 274, 17. (2) to compose a quarrel, settle a difference, suit, &c. :-- Hé mid þý wífe wælfǽhða dǽl sæcca gesette, B. 2029. (3) to make peace, war :-- Hé grið wid hí gesætte, Chr. 1002; P. 133, 35. Bútan þú ǽr wið hí geþingige, sibbe gesette, Jul. 200. Huælc cynig bið færende tó gesettanne feht (committere bellum), Lk. L. 14, 31. (4) to put in order, arrange, adorn : -- Þú tída fram middaneardes fruman oþ ðone ende endebyrdlíce gesettest tempus ab aevo ire jubes, Bt. 33, 4; F. 128, 7. Þá gesettan ordinalissimam, Wrt. Voc. ii. 115, 65 : 65, 29. Wǽrun heora dohtru deóre gesette (cf. geglengde, Ps. Srt. ) filiae eorum compositae, Ps. Th. 143, 15. (5) to compose, write a book, narrative, poem, &c. :-- Se saltere ys án bóc þe hé (David) gesette, Ælfc. T. Grn. 7, 27 : 10, 45. Marcus leornode of Petres bodunge hú hé ðá bóc (the gospel) gesette . . . Lucas ðá godspel áwrát. . . and Actus Apostolorum eác hé gesette, Hml. S. 15, 148, 155. Fela béc hé gesette be ðám sóðan geleáfan, 29, 87. Hé cýdde . . . hú hé wearð gehǽled . . . and Landferð hit gesette on Læden, 21, 402. Gesette edidit (opusculum), An. Ox. ii. 171: 2316. Þæt heó gesette ut conponat (carmen), 904. Ic gesett hæbbe of þisum feówer bócum (the gospels) wel feówertig lárspella on Englisc, Ælfc. T. Grn. 13, 45. VIII. intrans. (l) of living creatures, to place oneself, settle :-- Se hálega gǽsð on tungena onlícnesse gesette ofer ðá apostolas super pastores primes in linguarum specie Spiritus sanctus insedit, Past. 93, l. Heó (the dove) gesette swíðe wérig on treówes telgum, Gen. 1469. (a) of water, to settle, subside :-- Se flód gesette, Wlfst. 10, 15. [Goth, ga-satjan : O. Sax. gi-settian : O.H.Ger. ge-sezzen.] v. fore-gesettan ; riht-, ymb-gesett. ge-settan