
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - ge-sóm

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

adj. Unanimous, united, peaceable; concors, pācĭfĭcus :-- Wǽron gesóme ða ðe swegl búan those that inhabit the firmament were unanimous, Cd. 5; Th. 6, 1; Gen. 82. Wit wǽron gesóme we two were united, Exon. 129 b; Th. 496, 27; Rä. 85, 21: Gen. 45, 24. Gesóme and to ðam geþwǽre ðæt heora nán ne mæg óðerne mid æalle fordón in union and in such accord that none can entirely destroy another, Shrn. 165, 33. ge-som