
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - ge-teón

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Add: I. to draw together :-- Gewyrce and tó getió con-trahat, Wrt. Voc. ii. 21, 43. II. (1) with idea of horizontal movement, to draw along, pull, drag: -- Óðri ðegnas on scip cuómon and drógon l getugun ðára fisca segni, Jn. L. 21, 8. Ic wæs getogen þurh þisse ceastre lanum, Bl. H. 243, 29. Ic wæs getogen tó tintregum, 245, 1. Wæs getogen, gedragen traheretur (per publicum). An. Ox. 4467. (2) where there is movement from within or from without, to draw a sword, haul a net :-- Hé his byrnsweord getýhþ, Bl. H. 109, 34. Hé geteáh his seax, 215, 5. Gitéh educens, Mk. R. 14, 47. Geteóh þ ín sweord effunde frameam, Ps. Th. 34, 3. Ne maehton ꝥ nett geteá (trahere). Jn. L. R. 21, 6. ꝥ wǽre getogen mid þon ísnan hóce on þǽre picenan eá, Bl. H. 43, 25. Getogone sueorde stricta macera. Wrt. Voc. ii. 121, 33. (3) where the movement is up or down, to heave a sigh :-- Getogene siccetunga ducta suspiria, An. Ox. 4531. III. to bring, lead: -- Heora ǽgþer ꝥ mǽste folc ongeán óþerne geteáh, Ors. 2, 7 ; 8. 90, 17. IV. in various figurative senses. (1) to bring up, educate, instruct :-- Ðínne diácon ðe ðú getuge, Hml. Th. i. 418, 4. Críst þá apostolas mid sóðre láre geteáh, and eallum ðeódum tó láreówum gésette, i. 542, 6. Ungetogene menn geceás Drihten him tó leorning-cnihtum, and hí swá geteáh þæt heora lár oferstáh ealne woruldwísdóm, 576, 30. Hé (St. Paul) wæs from cildháde on ðǽre ealdan ǽ getogen, 384, 26:428, 23. Getogen on Hebréiscum gereorde, 436, 13. Marcus wæs mid Petre getogen on láre, Hml. S. 15, 142. Sum mǽden on cræftum getogen, 35, 79. tó wircemne godeweb swá swá hí wǽron getogene, Ælfc. T. Grn. 21, 21. In stafas and on leornunge getogen litteris edoctus, Guth. Gr. in, 92. (2) to bring to, lead, (a) to bring a person to action or condition :-- Seó wiferweardnes oft ealle þá þe hiere underþeódde bióþ neódinga gettíhþ tó þám sóþum gesǽlþum (ad vera bona retrahit), Bt. 20; F. 72, 10. Seó oferfyll þæs líchoman getýhþ þone mon tó synnum, and seó forhæfdnes hine gelǽdeþ tó forgifnesse, Bl. H. 37, 14. Hé Peohta ðeóde him tó hýrnesse geteáh, Bd. 3, 24; Sch. 313, 22. Deáðberende gyfl þá sinhíwan tó swylte geteáh, Gú. 823. Hé wæs getogen tó ðǽre , godcundan sceáwunga in contemplationem rapitur, Past. 101, 25. Ic eom getogen tó fremdum þeáwum, Bt. 7, 3; F. 20, 25. Hé wæs getogen tó hátheortnesse ad iracundiam trahitur, Gr. D. 63, 8. (b) to bring something on a person :-- Ðæt geswinc hiéhim selfe hiera ágnes gewealdes him on getióð, Past. 238, 5. Ð á iersigendan him tó getióð ðæt ð ætte hié eáde bútan bión meahton iracundi, quae tolerentur, important, 293, 18. (3) to draw to, attract, allure :-- Deófol hié getýhþ tó eallum uncystum, Bl. H. 25, 11. Sume ic geteáh, tó geflite fremede, þæt . . . , Jul. 483. Hwæþer nú gimma wlite eówre eágon tó him getió an gemmarum fulgor oculos trahit ?, Bt. 13; F. 40, 2. His hiéremenn geteón tó beteron subditos ad meliora pertrahere, Past. 81, 16. Hí nǽron mid gecnyrdnysse ǽniges reáfláces getogene tó ðám ðe hí wiðútan sceáwodon, Hml. Th. i. 586, 3. (4) to draw to oneself, take into one's possession or control, attach to oneself :-- Hé him geteáh tó micelne monfultum, Ors. 5, 2 ; S. 216, 8. Him geteáh Antonius tó gewealdon ealle-Asiam, 5, 13; S. 244, 31. Hé sealde him wéste land þæt hí mid táne getugan rihte sorte divisit eis terram in funiculo distributionis, Ps. Th. 77, 55. Uesoges wolde him tó geteón þone súðdǽl, p. i. 24. Tó geteón usurpare, i. uindicare (monarchiam), An. Ox. 675. Hú dear ǽnig Iséwede man him tó geteón Crístes wican ? Ne furðon nán gehádod man ne sceal him tó geteón þæt hé Críst spelige búton . . . , Hml. Th. ii. 592, 27-29. Getión, Bt. 38, 1; F. 196, 15. (5) to bring forth, produce :-- Forþ getíhþ producit, i. ostendit, An. Ox. 228. (6) to draw together, unite :-- þá twá mǽgða on án folc geteáh mum compaginatae in populum, Bd. 3, 6; Sch. 211, 9. Hé wæs híwcúðlíce tó me geþeóded and getogen familiariter obstrictus, Gr. D. 3, 28. (7) to draw together, constrain, restrain :-- Getéh consíringe, Ps. Srt. 31, 9. Mid his brídle befangene and getogene, Bt. 21; F. 74, 6. (8) to draw into a course of action, draw on to do something :-- ꝥ getugon Somnite him on fultum Pirrusan, Ors. 3, 5; S. 106, 3. Hé wolde hí him on fultum geteón for heora wígcræfte, 3, 7; S. 112, 3. V. intrans. (1) to contend, dispute :-- Se ðe in erning giflítað l gitéð qui in agone contendil, Rtl. 5, 39. Gecídon l getugon litigabant, Jn. L. R. 6, 52. (2) to pull together, agree (?) :-- Getugun l flioton conspirauerant, Jn. L. R. 9, 22.

Verwandte Wörter: getogen. ge-teon
