Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - ge-þeaht
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
-þæht, e;
- ge-þeaht
- f: es; n. I. counsel, consultation, deliberation, advice, thought, a determination, resolution, device, plan, purpose; consĭlium, cōgĭtātio :-- Geþeaht Drihtnes on écnysse wunaþ consĭlium Dŏmĭni in æternum mănet, Ps. Spl. 32, 11: Ps. Th. 88, 6. Ðæt geþeaht the counsel, Ps. Th. 9, 6. Hie ðære geþeahte wǽron they were of the resolution, Cd. 182; Th. 228, 21; Dan. 205. Hí nyllaþ geþafan beón óðerra monna geþeahtes they will not be supporters of the plan of other men, Past. 42, 1; Swt. 305, 15; Hat. MS. 58 a, 2. On ánre geþeahte [MS. geþeaht] eodan togædere consĭlium fēcērunt in ūnum, Ps. Th. 70, 9. On geþeahte in consĭlio, Ps. Spl. 1, 1: Ps. Th. 105, 32. Bútan geþeahte without advice; inconsulte, Bd. 3, 1; S. 523, 31. Of hiera ágnum geþeahte from their own determination, Past. 42, 1; Swt. 305, 18; Hat. MS. 58 a, 4. Ealle geþeaht ðín he getrymþ omne consĭlium tuum confirmet, Ps. Spl. 19, 4. Þurh monnes geþeaht through man's device, Cd. 29; Th. 38, 12; Gen. 605: Elen. Kmbl. 2117; El. 1060. Hí forhogodon ðæs Hǽlendes geþeaht consĭlium Dei sprēvērunt, Lk. Bos. 7, 30: Bd. 2, 13; S. 515, 32, 40. Hí án geþeaht ealle ymbsǽtan cōgĭtāvērunt consensum in ūnum, Ps. Th. 82, 5. Ðæt he him geþeaht sealde ut consĭlium sibi dăret, Bd. 4, 25; S. 599, 38. Ðú [God] eal gód [MS. good] ánes geþeahte ðínes geþohtest thou [God] didst conceive all good by the counsel of thyself alone, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 78; Met. 20, 39: Bt. 33, 4; Fox 128, 20. Mid geþeahte ðínum with thy counsel, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 173; Met. 20, 87. Geþancu and geþeahtu thoughts and plans, Lchdm. iii. 214, 24. He wiðcwyþ geþeaht ealdrum reprŏbat consĭlia princĭpum, Ps. Spl. 32, 10: Ps. Th. 55, 5. II. a council, an assembly; concĭlium :-- Geþeaht awyrgedra ofsǽton me concĭlium mălignantium obsēdit me, Ps. Spl. 21, 15. Ic ne sæt mid geþeahte ýdelnyssa non sēdi cum concĭlio vānĭtātis, 25, 4. On ðam geþeahte in the council, Homl. Th. i. 46, 5. DER. rǽd-geþeaht. ge-þeaht