Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - ge-timbran
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- ge-timbran
- Add: I. to build :-- Getimberdon aedificabant, Lk. L. 17, 38. (1) construct a building :-- Hé getimberde hús his on sonde aedificavit domum suam supra arenam, Mt. L. 7, 26. Hé getimberde torr, 21, 33. Tor of mycclum beámum getimbrian, Bl. H. 183, 3. (1 a) used of the operations of the Deity :-- Hé getimbrode ðá heálican heofenan and ealne middaneard, Hml. Th. ii. 586, 29. (2) tobuild a town, (a) to found :-- On middeweardum hire ríce hió getimbrede Babylonia þá burg (Babylonem condidit), Ors. 2, 1; S. 62, 15. Hié getimbredon Effesum þá burg and monege óðere cum Ephesum aliasque urbes condidissent, 1, 10; S. 46, 18. Romus and Romulus Rómeburg getimbredon, 2, 1; S. 60, 21. Æfter þǽm þe Rómeburg getimbred wæs anno ab Urbe condita, 2, 3; S. 68, 4 (and often): Chr. 409; P. 11, 18. (b) to rebuild, restore :-- Hié (Rome) eft Agustus bet getimbrede þonne hió ǽfre ǽr wǽre, Ors. 6, 1; S. 252, 25. Gewearð þá senatos þæt mon eft sceolde getimbran Cartainam Carthago restitui jussa, 5, 5; S. 226, 16. (c) in the Chronicle the word seems to imply fortification :-- Hé getimbrade Bebbanburh; sý wæs ǽrost mid hegge betíned and þǽr æfter mid wealle, Chr. 547; P. 17, 20. Man þá burh worhte and getimbrede (getrymode, ) æt Withám, 913; P. 96, 25. Hé hét gefaran þá burg æt Tofeceastre and hié getimbran (cf. mon worhte þá burg æt Tofeceastre mid stánwealle, 102, 29), 921; P. 101, 2. Hér on þison geáre wæs Wærincwíc getimbrod, 915; P. 99, 9. (3) used figuratively :-- Sé ðe þyllic weorc getimbrað on Godes gelaðunge, Hml. Th. ii. 590, 1. 'Ic hæbbe ðé gesetne ðæt ðú tóweorpe and getimbre.' For ðǽm búton hé ðæt wóh ǽr tówurpe ne meahte hé nóht nytwyrðlíce ðæt ryht getimbran, Past. 441, 30-34. II. to use as building material :-- Swá hwá swá getimbrað ofer ðisum grundwealle gold oððe seolfor si quia superaedificat super fundamentum hoc aurum, argentum, Hml. Th. ii. 588, 23: 590, 9. III. to edify, instruct :-- Ꝥ hé sumne fæder funde þe hine on sumum þingum getimbrede ðæs ðe hé sylf ǽr ne cúðe, Hml. S. 23 b, 158. Ne mæg ǽnig mann óþerne getimbrian búton hé hine sylfne gelómlíce behealde, 77. Ic wolde eów áne race gereccan, seó mæig eówer mód getimbrian, gif gé mid gýmene hí gehýran wyllað, Hml. Th. i. 412, 36. [Goth. ga-timrjan: O. H. Ger. ge-zimbrón constituere, aedificare. v. ofer-getimbran; heáh-getimbred. ge-timbran