
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - ge-timbru

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:


pl. gen. -timbra; n. An edifice, a building, structure; ædĭfĭcium, structūra :-- Gé geseóþ ealle ða fægernessa ðissa getimbra ... ealle ðás getimbro beóþ toworpene ye see all the beauties of these buildings ... all these buildings shall be destroyed, Blickl. Homl. 77, 34-6: Mt. Kmbl. Lind. Rush. 24, 1. Ðæt sind ða getimbru ðe nó [MS. nú] tydriaþ these are the structures which shall not decay, Exon. 32 b; Th. 103, 5; Cri. 1683: 39 b; Th. 131, 16; Gú. 456: Bd. 3, 8; S. 532, 30. Hruran and feóllan cynelíco getimbro and ánlípie ruĕbant ædĭfĭcia publĭca sĭmul et prīvāta, Bd. 1, 15; S. 483, 45: 3, 8; S. 532, 32: Cd. 15; Th. 18, 20; Gen. 276. Getimbra hálgung scenophegia [ = scēnŏpēgia], Ælfc. Gl. 3; Som. 55, 77; Wrt. Voc. 16, 50. [O. H. Ger. gi-zimbri; n. materia, ædificium: Ger. ge-zimmer ; n. timber-work: and cf. Goth. ga-timrjo; f. a building.] ge-timbru