Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - ge-weald
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- ge-weald
- Add: The plural is sometimes used with force of singular. I. power. (1) control over that which is moved, I :-- Hé nætþ his fóta geweald ꝥ hé mæge gán, Bt. 36, 4; F. 178, 13. (2) control in respect to movement, action, &c., over that which moves itself (a person, an emotion, &c. v. wealdan; II) :-- Ic onbúgan ne mót of þæs gewealde þe mé wegas tǽcneð, Rä. 4, 16. Cniht oð ꝥ he sig .xv. winter eald sig hé on his fæder gewealdum (in potestate sit patris sui), Ll. Th. ii. 152, 13. ¶ with gen. of person controlled :-- Hí þæt wín drincende wǽron, oð hí heora selfra lytel geweald hæfdon, Ors. 2, 4; S. 76, 18. Gif þá gesǽlþa þurh hié selfe heora selfra geweald áhton, Bt. 16, 3; F. 56, 9. (2 a) where control is against the will of the controlled: e.g. slavery :-- Hwilc gefreólseþ þé nú of úrum gewealde?, Bl. H. 243, 9. Hér is fǽmne (Hagar) on gewealde (cf. Sarai hæfde áne þínene, Gen. 16, 1), Gen. 2227. Hí héton lǽdan út weras tó gewealde, 2457. Earme men gesealde fremdum tó gewealde, Wlfst. 158, 13. Hé hié mid hungre on his geweald geniédde, Ors. 4, 10; S. 196, 26. Hé wæs on þǽre cwéne gewealdum, El. 610. Hí (devils) habbaþ manega sáula on heora gewaldum, Bl. H. 47, 7. ¶ with gen. of person controlled :-- Hé (David) his (Saul) wel geweald áhte, Past. 37, 5. (3) power of protection :-- Sé þe Godes útlagan ofer þone ándagan þe se cyngc sette hæbbe on gewealde, Ll. Th. i. 350, 2. Hé him ágeaf wíf tó gewealde, Gen. 1867. Hæfde Gúðláces gǽst in gewealdum módig mundbora, Gú. 666. (4) power of one in authority, rule, dominion, sway. v. wealdan; III :-- Þam is wuldor and geweald, Bl. H. 249, 23. Ealra heáhfædera mægen hé (St. John) oferstígeþ on þǽm apostolican gewealde, 167, 24. Brytland him wæs on gewealde, Chr. 1086; P. 220, 22. Hé gerád eal Norþhymbra land him tó gewealde, 946; P. 112, 4. Hé Maníge on his geweald gesætte, 1099; P. 235, 3. Sé þe dómes geweald áge the judge, Ll. Th. i. 376, 18: Kr. 107. Eádmund cyning geeóde eal Norþhymbra land him tó gewealdan (-wealde, v. l.), 944; P. 110, 31. Þá dyde hé him þá rícu tó gewealdon, Ors. 3, 7; S. 114, 29. Seó circe bád under hǽðenra hyrda gewealdum, Cri. 705. ¶ with gen. of what is ruled :-- Tó þám ðe ðænne áh mynstres geweald, Cht. E. 236, 5. (4 a) a dominion :-- ꝥ eall crísten folc mínra gewealda sóðe sibbe healde, Ll. Lbmn. 216, 1. (5) power over a thing, place, possession, command, mastery, v. wealdan; IV :-- Hé þá clúsan on his gewealde hæfde angustias occupatas emuniit, Ors. 3, 7; S. 114, 28. Inc sceal sealt wæter wunian on gewealde, Gen. 199. ꝥ weorþ on úrum gewealde habban, Bl. H. 101, 10. Hit his yldran lǽfdan þám tó gewealde þe hý wel úðan, Ll. Th. i. 184, 3. Ágan heofon tó gewalde to have heaven at command, Sat. 415. Here bróhte Israéla gestreón in his ǽhte geweald, Dan. 757. ¶ with gen. of thing, place :-- Sum man áhte geweald ealles ðæs splottes, Hml. S. 23, 415. Þá Deniscan áhton wælstówe gewald, Chr. 837; P. 62, 32. Þæt hié ánforléten heofonríces geweald, Gen. 694. Nóe and his suna landes geweald áhtan, Wlfst. 10, 16. (6) power to determine what one does (of intentional or voluntary action, v. gewealdes; I: wealdan; V) :-- ꝥ hit nǽfre næs náðer ne his gewile ne his geweald it was neither his desire nor his intention, Ll. Th. i. 418, 12. Ne bið swylc monnes geweald that is not within a man's power to determine, Vy. 14. Gif hine mon tió gewealdes on þǽre dǽde if he be accused of intention in the deed, Ll. Th. i. 84, 15. Ðonne hí forlétað hiora willes and hiora gewealdes ðá gód ðe hi getiohchod æfdon tó dónne, Past. 445, 6. Ðæt gesuinc hié him selfe ðurh hira ágena scylda hira ágnes gewealdes him on getióð, 239, 5. (7) power to determine what another does (where another's action is dependent upon oneself, v. ge-wealdes; II) :-- Ic bidde nú, gif hwá þás bóc áwrítan wylle, ꝥ hé hig gerihte wel be þǽre bysne; for þan þe ic náh geweald (I cannot help it) þeáh þe hig hwá tó woge bringe þurh lease wríteras, Ælfc. Gen. Thw. 4, 28. Nú gé habbað gehýred hwæt eów tó dónne is ... gif gé of þysum dóð wé nagon geweald, Ll. Th. ii. 362, 19. (7 a) with clause :-- Ǽlc tiónd áge geweald swá hwæþer hé wille swá wæter swá ísen it depends upon the accuser whether the ordeal be by water or iron, Ll. Th. i. 296, 3. (8) power that brings something to pass, is the cause or source of something, v. wealdan; VI :-- Hwæþer hit nú ðínes gewealdes sié ꝥ se hærfest sié swá welig on wæstmum et an tua in aestivos fructus intumescit ubertas, Bt. 14, 1; F. 40, 27. Gif se anweald his ágenes gewealdes gód wǽre, 16, 3; F. 54, 23. For hwý ætwíte gé eówerre wyrde ꝥ hió nán geweald náh, 39, 1; F. 210, 26. Hit gesǽleþ ... hwílum þurh wífes geweald, hwílum þurh weres, Bl. H. 195, 5. (9) power to do. v. wealdan; VII :-- Ic hæbbe geweald micel tó gyrwanne gódlecran stól, Gen. 280. Hetend hildenǽdran þurh fingra geweald forð onsendan, El. 120. II. an implement that controls (lit. or fig.), a bridle :-- On gewealde ceacan heora gewríð in camo maxillas eorum constringe, Ps. Srt. 31, 12. Hé his sylfes willan geliðode in him sylfum þǽre blisse geweald sponte sibi laetitiae frena laxabat, Gr. D. 203, 26. III. covering, protection (?) :-- Tó ofsettenne giuæld heáfdes ad deponendam comam capitis, Rtl. 96, 5: 30. Nacode swá hé hí ǽrest gemétte búton gewealdan þæs tóslitenan rægeles þe hé hire ǽr tó wearp, Hml. S. 23 b, 792. IV. take here ge-weald pudenda, in Dict., and add :-- Geweald inguen,Germ. 389, 81. Hé mid þám horne hine þýde on ꝥ geweald, Hml. S. 31, 787. Wið þǽra gewealda gesár, Lch. i. 94, 22. ꝥ geswell þára gewalda, 24. Smyre þá geweald mid þám lǽcedóme, 312, 13. v. þeóh-, un-geweald. ge-weald